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Coarse facial features
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    Coarse facial features

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    Coarse facial features (coarse facies) is a constellation of facial features that are present in many inborn errors of metabolism.

    Coarse facies
    16 year old with rapidly progressing Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS-VI).jpg
    A 16 year old with Mucopolysaccharidosis showing coarse facial features.
    Specialty Medical genetics

    Features include:

    • large, bulging head
    • prominent scalp veins
    • "saddle-like, flat bridged nose with broad, fleshy tip"
    • large lips and tongue
    • small, widely spaced and/or malformed teeth
    • hypertrophic alveolar ridges and/or gums

    The head tends to be longer than normal from front to back, with a bulging forehead. This is because of the premature fusion of skull bones in the affected person.


    Several conditions are associated with coarse facial features.

    See also

    External links

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