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List of balls in Vienna
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List of balls in Vienna

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The classic Viennese ball has a tradition stretching back over four centuries, and has even taken the first steps towards inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. The full spectacle extends from the opening ceremony featuring a debutant's committee to midnight stage shows with dance and music performances. There is also traditional ball etiquette involved – from the "Damenspenden", a gift presented to the ladies, to the requisite gown, tuxedo, or formal traditional Austrian dress, Austrian culture runs through every aspect of the Viennese ball.

Below is a list of balls in Vienna, capital of Austria.

Ball Location When Note Organizer url
Wiener Rotkreuz Ball Rathaus November Vienna Red Cross www.wienerrotkreuzball.at
Hofburg Silvesterball Hofburg Palace December New Years Eve Dinner+Ball (tourism) Hofburg Palace www.hofburgsilvesterball.com
Zuckerbaeckerball Hofburg Palace January Vienna Bakers and Confectioners www.zuckerbaeckerball.com
Ball der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Hofburg Palace January Vienna University of Economics and Business www.wuball.at
Steirerball Hofburg Palace January Steirer Association www.steirerball.com
Ball der Offiziere Hofburg Palace January Military Officers Ball Theresian Military Academy www.ballderoffiziere.at
Ball der Pharmacie Hofburg Palace January Less overcrowded - enough floorspace to waltz. Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists www.pharmacieball.at
TU Ball Hofburg Palace January Vienna University of Technology TU Wien www.tu-ball.at
Blumenball Rathaus, Vienna Mid-January Flower Ball Vienna City Gardners
Jägerball Hofburg Palace last Monday in January Hunters Ball. Traditional costume mandatory Green Cross Association www.verein-grueneskreuz.at
Wiener Akademikerball Hofburg Palace last Friday in January until 2012: "Ball des Wiener Korporationsringes" Vienna Academic Ball www.wiener-akademikerball.at
Wiener Aerzteball Hofburg Palace last Saturday in January Medical Association of Vienna www.aerzteball.at
Vienna Ball of Sciences Rathaus last Saturday in January www.wissenschaftsball.at
BOKU-Ball Hofburg Palace February University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna www.bokuball.at
IAEA-Ball Hofburg Palace February International Atomic Energy Agency www.stylearts.eu/iaea
Hofburg-Ball der Wiener Wirtschaft Hofburg Palace February Vienna Business Ball Vienna Economic Association www.hofburg-ball.at
Philharmonikerball Musikverein Elegant White Tie Cultural Event Vienna Philharmonic https://www.wienerphilharmoniker.at/en/vienna-philharmonic-ball
Techniker-Cercle Musikverein Ball of Industry and Technology Club Techniker-Cercle https://ball.techniker-cercle.at/
Immobilienball Hofburg Palace February www.immobilienball.at
Wiener Kaffeesiederball Hofburg Palace February Extravagant traditional ball closely associated with the Viennese coffeehouse tradition Club of Viennese Coffeehouse Owners www.kaffeesiederball.at
Regenbogenball Hofburg Palace February www.regenbogenball.at
Vienna International Spring Ball Hofburg Palace March www.springball.at
Vienna Opera Ball Vienna State Opera Fat Thursday government figures, international celebrities, debutants, wide televised coverage Vienna State Opera
St. Johanns Club Ball Palais Liechtenstein late Spring St. Johanns Club/Jockey Club members, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, historical nobility
Juristenball Hofburg Palace lawyers, judges, law students www.juristenball.at
Rudolfina Redoute Hofburg Palace Shrove Monday ladies must wear masks www.redoute.rudolfina.at
Elmayer-Kränzchen Hofburg Palace Shrove Tuesday Elmayer dance school www.elmayer.at
Flüchtlingsball Rathaus first Saturday after Ash Wednesday [1]
Concordia Ball Rathaus summer (May or June) the oldest Viennese Traditional Ball Concordia Press Club www.concordiaball.at
Life Ball Rathaus summer (May or June) biggest charity event in Europe supporting people with HIV or AIDS Gery Keszler

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