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List of wars of succession
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    List of wars of succession

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    To inherit Holland, Ada quickly married Louis before her father was buried, triggering the Loon War.

    This is a list of wars of succession.

    Note: Wars of succession in transcontinental states are mentioned under the continents where their capital city was located. Names of wars that have been given names by historians are capitalised; the others, whose existence has been proven but not yet given a specific name, are provisionally written in lowercase letters (except for the first word, geographical and personal names).


    Year of the Four Emperors Jugurthine War Year of the Five Emperors Adherbal (king of Numidia) Wars of the Diadochi Seti II#Contest for the throne
    Lobengula Battle of Ndondakusuka Shaka#Death and succession Kongo Civil War Pedro I of Kongo Anglo-Zanzibar War Gaza Empire Kololo people#Sebetwane dynasty in Barotseland Naaba Kango Songhai Empire#Defeat Revolt of Nizar Gugsa Wale's rebellion Ethiopian coup d'état of 1928 Abu Marwan Abd al-Malik I Saadi Mwezi IV of Burundi Tripolitanian civil war Revolutions of Tunis Saadi dynasty#1603–27: Succession war Battle of Tadla Abdallah al-Adil#Background
    •   Egypt
    •   North Africa
    •   West Africa
    •   Central and Southern Africa
    •   East Africa
    A diachronic map of various prominent pre-colonial African civilisations


    Seleucid Dynastic Wars Wars of the Diadochi Darius the Great#Accession Third Mithridatic War Chu–Han Contention Battle of Cunaxa War of Qi's succession Hasmonean Civil War Qin's wars of unification Partition of Jin Li Ji Unrest Battle of Carrhae Lü Clan Disturbance Warring States period Rebellion of the Three Guards
    Anarchy of the 12 Warlords Twenty Years' Anarchy Skandagupta Ashoka 'Adud al-Dawla#Reign Abbasid civil war (865–866) Anarchy at Samarra Second Fitna Göktürk civil war Roman civil war of 350–353 Crisis of the Third Century Year of the Five Emperors Year of the Four Emperors Buyid dynasty#Decline and fall (983–1062) Mansur I#Rise to power Fourth Fitna Third Fitna First Fitna Sasanian civil war of 589-591 Civil wars of the Tetrarchy Parthian war of Caracalla War of the Armenian Succession Battle of Ghazni (998) Abdallah ibn Ali#Bid for the Caliphate Sasanian civil war of 628–632 Peroz I#Rise to power Trajan's Parthian campaign Later Three Kingdoms of Korea Goguryeo–Tang War Yang Liang#Rebellion against Emperor Yang Northern Wei#The Two Generals Prince Hoshikawa Rebellion War of the Eight Princes Cao Cao#War with the Yuan clan Han dynasty#Wang Mang's reign and civil war Era of Fragmentation Era of Fragmentation Jinshin War Transition from Sui to Tang War of the Uncles and Nephews Three Kingdoms Period Lulin Red Eyebrows
    Banjarmasin War Second Bone War Naungdawgyi#Succession crisis Javanese Wars of Succession Javanese Wars of Succession Amangkurat I of Mataram#Early reign Forty Years' War Ilkhanate#Disintegration Nauruan Civil War Brunei Civil War Burmese–Siamese War (1547–1549) Trần Cao rebellion Regreg War Kaidu–Kublai war Larut Wars Carnatic Wars Portuguese conquest of the Jaffna kingdom#End of the Kingdom Ming treasure voyages#Fourth voyage Tughlugh Timur Berke–Hulagu war Toluid Civil War Pahang Civil War Marava War of Succession Aurangzeb#War of succession Crisis of the Sixteenth Century Crisis of the Sixteenth Century Pandyan Civil War (1169–1177 Anglo-Maratha Wars Mughal war of succession (1707–1709) Ottoman Civil War (1509–13) Ottoman Interregnum Trapezuntine Civil War War of the Antiochene Succession Malik-Shah I#War of succession Afghan Wars of Succession Timurid wars of succession Byzantine civil war of 1321–1328 Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347 War of the Lombards Muhammad II ibn Mahmud Battle of Damghan (1063)#War of succession First Anglo-Afghan War Jingnan campaign Genpei War Hōgen Rebellion Russian interregnum of 1825 Time of Troubles Gaoxu rebellion History of the Joseon dynasty#Early strife War of the Two Capitals Heiji Rebellion Kingdom of Tungning Ōnin War Sengoku period Nanboku-chō period Era of Fragmentation Era of Fragmentation
    •   Central Asia
    •   East Asia
    •   North Asia
    •   Persia & Afghanistan
    •   South Asia
    •   Southeast Asia
    •   West Asia

    Ancient Asia

    The Warring States, each claiming kingship and seeking to unite China under their banner.
    The Seleucid Dynastic Wars ravaged the once great Seleucid Empire, and contributed to its fall.

    Medieval Asia

    Ali and Aisha at the Battle of the Camel. Originally a political conflict on the Succession to Muhammad, the First Fitna became the basis of the religious split between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam.

    Early Modern Asia

    War of 1657–61. Mughal emperors were often overthrown by their sons, who then warred each other to the death.
    Mir Jafar defected to the British during the Battle of Plassey, being made the new nawab of Bengal as a reward.
    Dutch cavalry charge during the 1859 Bone Expedition on Sulawesi.
    • Banjarmasin war of succession (1785–1787), after the death of sultan Tahhmid Illah I of the Sultanate of Banjar(masin). The Dutch East India Company (VOC) intervened in 1786 in favour of Pangeran Nat(t)a (known by many other names), and upon victory he had to cede part of his territory to the VOC.
    • Kurnool war of succession (1792–?), after the death of nawab Ranmust Khan of Kurnool between his sons Azim Khan (supported by the Nizam of Hyderabad) and Alif Khan (supported by the Sultan of Mysore)

    Modern Asia


    Petar of Serbia#Civil wars Twenty Years' Anarchy Roman civil war of 350–353 Year of the Four Emperors Charles the Fat#Deposition, death, and legacy Civil wars of the Tetrarchy Year of the Five Emperors Roman–Bosporan War Pyrrhus of Epirus Koppány#Rebellion and death Siege of Laon (741) Battle of Lucofao Battle of the Frigidus Year of the Six Emperors Crisis of the Third Century Wars of the Diadochi Olga of Kiev Æthelwold's Revolt Harald Klak#The Civil War of 812–814 Frankish Civil War (715–718) Ebroin Brunhilda of Austrasia Fredegund Boudica Bosporan Civil War
    Ottoman Civil War (1509–13) Ottoman Interregnum Byzantine civil war of 1352–1357 Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347 War of the Euboeote Succession Stefan the First-Crowned#Conflict over succession Battle of Pantina Romanos IV Diogenes#Betrayal Liberal Wars War of the Portuguese Succession War of the Castilian Succession Navarrese Civil War (1451–1455) Fernandine Wars Byzantine civil war of 1321–1328 Nicaean–Latin wars Fourth Crusade Carlist Wars War of the Spanish Succession Franco-Spanish War (1595–98) Catalan Civil War War of the Two Peters Castilian Civil War Rostislav Mikhailovich#His struggle for Bulgaria Alfonso VIII of Castile#Regency and civil war War of the Three Sanchos War of the Three Sanchos Fitna of al-Andalus Fitna of al-Andalus War of the Montferrat Succession Italian War of 1536–1538 Mad War Milanese War of Succession 1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum Tancred, King of Sicily#Kingship Roger II of Sicily#Rise to power in southern Italy Bohemond I of Antioch#Succession crisis Bohemond I of Antioch#Succession crisis Kalbids Piedmontese Civil War Strasbourg Bishops' War French–Breton War French–Breton War War of the Breton Succession Battle of Tinchebray Maine (province)#Norman conquest and rule (1062–1070) Franco-Prussian War War of the Quadruple Alliance War of the Mantuan Succession Succession of Henry IV of France War of the Three Henrys Italian War of 1494–1495 War of the Burgundian Succession Hundred Years' War War of the Succession of Champagne Baussenque Wars Fulco I, Margrave of Milan William the Conqueror#Duke of Normandy Civil war in Poland (1704–1706) War of the Jülich Succession Habsburg–Ottoman wars in Hungary (1526–1568) Habsburg–Ottoman wars in Hungary (1526–1568) War of the Hungarian Succession Mainz Diocesan Feud Old Zürich War Galicia–Volhynia Wars Battle of Kressenbrunn War of the Bavarian Succession Nine Years' War Hessian War#Marburg Inheritance Dispute (from 1604) Hessian War Cologne Diocesan Feud Civil war in Greater Poland (1382–1385) Civil war in Greater Poland (1382–1385) Władysław the White's rebellion Władysław the White's rebellion Bremen Diocesan Feud Emeric, King of Hungary#Struggles with his brother (1196–1200) Peter, King of Hungary#Exile (1041–1044) War of the Austrian Succession Danzig rebellion War of the Succession of Stettin Saxon Fratricidal War Wars of the Rügen Succession Holy Roman Empire#Interregnum Holy Roman Empire#Interregnum Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor#Succession crsis War of the Polish Succession Düsseldorf Cow War War of the Polish Succession (1587–88) Hildesheim Diocesan Feud War of the Succession of Landshut Wars of the Lüneburg Succession Thuringian Counts' War War of the Thuringian Succession German throne dispute Frederick II, Duke of Swabia#Salian war of succession German–Polish War (1003–1018) Guelders Wars Guelders Wars First War of the Guelderian Succession War of the Flemish Succession Battle of Steppes Godfrey III, Duke of Lower Lorraine War of Devolution Utrecht war of 1481–83 Utrecht war (1456–1458) Utrecht Schism Wars of the Loon Succession War of the Limburg Succession Loon War William Clito#Count of Flanders Battle of Cassel (1071) Second Schleswig War Polish–Swedish War (1600–29) Count's Feud Hook and Cod wars Eric and Eric First Schleswig War Moscow uprising of 1682 War against Sigismund Utrecht war (1456–1458)#Aftermath (1470–1474) Lithuanian Civil War (1432–1438) War of the Brabantian Succession Battle of Lipitsa Danish Civil War#The Civil War of 1146–1157 Danish Civil War#The Civil War of 1146–1157 Russian interregnum of 1825 Jacobite risings Time of Troubles War of the Priests (Poland) Muscovite Civil War Golden Horde#Great troubles (1359–1381) Civil war era in Norway Civil war era in Norway Rebellion of 1088 Monmouth Rebellion Wyatt's rebellion Wars of the Roses Wars of the Roses Wars of Scottish Independence Wars of Scottish Independence First Barons' War Gruffydd ap Rhys II#Family feud Owain Gwynedd#Disputes with the church and succession The Anarchy Battle of Stamford Bridge Norman Conquest Cnut#Conquest of England
    •   British Islands
    •   Scandinavia, Baltics & Eastern Europe
    •   Low Countries
    •   Central Europe (HRE)
    •   France & Italy
    •   Spain & Portugal
    •   Southeastern Europe


    War of Jenkins' Ear Inca Civil War Pachacuti King George's War Aztec Empire#Tepanec War Yaxun Bʼalam IV#Accession Queen Anne's War

    King William's War

    See also


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