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Placental site trophoblastic tumor
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Placental site trophoblastic tumor

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Placental site trophoblastic tumor
Photomicrograph showing proliferating intermediate trophoblast with scarce cytotophoblastic and syncytiotrophoblastic elements
Specialty Oncology, obstetrics

Placental site trophoblastic tumor is a form of gestational trophoblastic disease, which is thought to arise from intermediate trophoblast.

The tumor may secrete human placental lactogen, and result in a false-positive pregnancy test.

A placental site trophoblastic tumor is a monophasic neoplasm of the implantation site intermediate trophoblast, and usually a benign lesion, which comprises less than 2% of all gestational trophoblastic proliferations. Preceding conditions include molar pregnancy (5%). Compared to choriocarcinoma or invasive mole, hemorrhage is less conspicuous and serum β-HCG level is low, making early diagnosis difficult.

Immunohistochemistry: Often stains with hPL, keratin, Mel-CAM, EGFR.


Because chemotherapy is ineffective; the patient should undergo hysterectomy.


10–20% of cases metastasize leading to death.

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