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Bovhyaluronidase azoximer
Clinical data | |
Pronunciation | Bovhyaluronidase azoximer (bovhyaluronidasum azoximerum) |
Trade names | Longidaze |
Routes of administration |
intramuscular injection |
Legal status | |
Legal status |
Pharmacokinetic data | |
Bioavailability | not less than 90% |
Elimination half-life | 36 hours |
Excretion | renal |
Bovhyaluronidase azoximer, sold under the brand name Longidaze, is a conjugate of proteolytic enzyme hyaluronidase with high- molecular weight copolymer that forms a component of combination therapy regimens for treatment and prevention of diseases associated with connective tissue hyperplasia. The most frequently observed adverse reactions seen with bovhyaluronidase azoximer include pain at site of injection and injection site reaction n such as skin redness, itching and oedema. All local reactions resolve themselves in 48 – 72 hours.
Clinical data
Type: Hyaluronidases
Other names: hyaluronidase conjugate with co-polymer of N-oxide 1,4-ethylenepiperazine and (N-carboxymethyl)-1,4- ethylenepiperazine bromide
Pharmaceutical form: suppositories
Pharmacotheapeutic group: enzymes
ATC Code: V03AX
Medical uses
Bovhyaluronidase azoximer is a porous white or white with a yellowish or brownish tint mass and prepared in ampules 1500 IU or 3000 IE with mannitol excipient (up to 15 mg [for 1500 IE dos] or up to 20 mg (for 3000 IE dose).
The active ingredient belongs to the hyaluronidases family of enzymes that catalyse the degradation of hyaluronic acid. By catalyzing the hydrolysis of hyaluronan, a constituent of the body's extracellular matrix (ECM), hyaluronidase lowers the viscosity of hyaluronan, thereby increasing tissue permeability... It is, therefore, often used in medicine in conjunction with other drugs to speed their dispersion and delivery. It also increases the absorption rate of parenteral fluids given by hypodermoclysis, and is an adjunct in subcutaneous urography for improving resorption of radiopaque agents. Hyaluronidases are also used for extravasation of hyperosmolar solutions.
Approved applications include:
Gynaecology: treatment and prevention of adhesive process in lesser pelvis during inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs, including tubo-peritoneal infertility, intrauterine synechiae, chronic endometritis.
Urology: treatment of chronic prostatitis, interstitial cystitis.
Pulmonology and phthisiology: treatment of pneumosclerosis, fibrosing alveolitis, and tuberculosis (fibro-cavity, infiltrative, tuberculoma).
Orthopaedics: treatment of joint contracture, arthrosis, Marie-Striinipell disease, haematomas.
Medicines incorporating hyaluronidase have been used in medical applications for over 60 years. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved hyaluronidase for the following indications: (1) subcutaneous fluid infusion (hypodermoclysis), (2) as an adjuvant to accelerate the absorption and dispersion of drugs in subcutaneous tissue or to manage extravasation, and (3) as an adjunct to promote the absorption of contrast media in urinary tract angiography (subcutaneous urography). They have also been approved and used for the purpose of increasing hematoma absorption in Europe. Hyaluronidase has a variety of uses in addition to its approved indications. Its current off-label uses include dissolving hyaluronic acid fillers, treating granulomatous foreign body reactions, and treating skin necrosis associated with filler injections.
Recognised limitations for hyaluronidase-based medicines include allergenic properties, presence of ballast impurities, loss of enzymatic activity due to temperature and inhibitors of blood serum. Since administration is via a parenteral route of administration, the enzyme is inactivated by blood serum inhibitors, which shortens its half-life.
Conjugation (covalent binding) of hyaluronidase with polymeric carriers prevents the unfolding of enzyme globule Hyal, increasing resistance to denaturation and the action of inhibitors while preserving the enzymes native structure and activity, thus prolonging its activity. The water-soluble copolymer 1,4-ethylene-piperazine N-oxide and (N-carboxymethyl)-1,4-ethylene-piperazinium bromide, itself an immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory properties, was found to confer increased stability. A comparative study of the stability of commercial hyaluronidase (Lydase®) and bovhyaluronidase azoximer showed a 20-fold increase in length of activity at 37 °C (24 hours vs. 20 days, respectively).
Safety and tolerability
Frequently observed adverse events include (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10) – pain at injection site. Less frequent adverse events (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100) include injection site reaction such as skin redness, itching and oedema. All local reactions resolve themselves in 48 – 72 hours. Very rare (< 1/10000) – allergic reactions. Use of bovhyaluronidase azoximer is contraindicated in known cases of hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase, acute infectious diseases, pulmonary haemorrhage and haemoptysis, recent vitreous haemorrhage, malignant neoplasms, acute renal failure, age under 18 years (no clinical study data available). It should also be used with caution in cases of chronic liver failure (administer not more than once per week) and is contraindicated for use in pregnant and breast-feeding women.
Concomitant medications
Bovhyaluronidase azoximer can be prescribed with other medications such as antifungal drugs, bronchial spasmolytics, antibiotics and antivirals. When administered in combination with other medicinal product (antibiotics, local anesthetics, diuretics) bovhyaluronidase azoximer increases their bioavailability and enhances their effect. In case of co-administration with high doses of salicylates, cortisone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), estrogens or antihistaminic drugs bovhyaluronidase azoximer enzymatic activity can decrease. It is advised that bovhyaluronidase azoximer is not administered with medicinal products containing furosemide, benzodiazepines, phenytoin.
Further reading
- Rabello FB, Souza CD, Farina Júnior JA (August 2014). "Update on hypertrophic scar treatment". Clinics (Sao Paulo). 69 (8): 565–73. doi:10.6061/clinics/2014(08)11. PMC 4129552. PMID 25141117.
- Red Dry GT, Nazarenko TA (2010). Бесплодный брак. Современные подходы к диагностике и лечению:руководство [Fruitless marriage. Modern Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment: A Guide] (in Russian). Moscow: GEOTAR-media. pp. 110–111. ISBN 978-5-9704-1535-1.
- Dolgov OI, ed. (2010). Лекарственный справочник для ЛОР-врача и врача общей практики [Medicinal guide for ENT doctor and general practitioner] (in Russian). St. Petersburg: Dialogue. pp. 260–262. ISBN 978-5-8469-0066-0.
- Burbello AT, Shabrov AV (2007). Современные лекарственные средства [Modern medicines] (in Russian). Moscow: OLMA Media Group. pp. 351–352. ISBN 978-5-373-01525-7.
- Yarmolinskaya MI, Selkov SA, Manuylova TU, Bezhenar VF, Rulev VV, Selyutin AV, Thazaplizheva SS (2015). "Эффективность применения протеолитического препарата Лонгидаза в комбинированном процессе лечения спаечного процесса у больных наружным генитальным эндометриозом" [The effectiveness of the use of the proteolytic drug Longidaza in the combined treatment of adhesions in patients with external genital endometriosis]. Иммунология (in Russian) (2): 116–121. Retrieved May 5, 2021.
- Yudina EA, Konoplya AA, Lazarev AI, Gavrilyuk VP, Tsurkina MA, Kobeleva YU (2008). "Использование лонгидазы в лечении обострений хронического сальпингоофорита" [The use of longidase in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic salpingo-oophoritis]. Курский научный практический вестник "Человек и его здоровье" (in Russian). Retrieved May 5, 2021.
- Manuylova TU, Yarmolinskaya MI, Thazaplizheva SS, Selkov SA, Shapovalova EA (2015). "Опыт применения препарата лонгидаза в лечении обострений хронического сальпингоофорита у пациентов с наружным генитальным эндометриозом" [Experience of using the drug Longidaza in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic salpingo-oophoritis in patients with external genital endometriosis]. Клиническая медицина (in Russian) (4): 48–49. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
- Lazarenko VA, Loktionov AP, Hemp AI, Parfenov IP, Yarosh AP (2011). "Лонгидаза и рефортан коррекции функциональной активности перитонеальных макрофагов при остром панкреатите" [Longidase and Refortan for Correction of the Functional Activity of Peritoneal Macrophages in Acute Pancreatitis]. Актуальные проблемы медицины (in Russian) (4): 42–49. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
- Khodarev SV, Pryadko OI, Kazakova OV (2009). "Отечественный препарат "Лонгидаза 3000 МЕ" в восстановительном лечении больных остеоартрозом коленных суставов" [Domestic drug "Longidaza 3000 IU" in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints.]. Главный врач (in Russian) (3): 23–25. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
- Yarmolinskaya MI, Durneva EI, Selkov SA (2016). "Иммуномодулятор лонгидаза в комбинированном лечении наружного генитального эндометриоза" [Immunomodulator longidase in the combined treatment of external genital endometriosis]. Журнал акушерства и женских болезней (in Russian): 76–77. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
- Andryukhin MI, Mikhailikov TG, Pulbere SA (2007). "Опыт применения антисклеротической терапии (лонгидаза 3000 Ме, ректальные суппозитории) в комплексном лечении хронического простатита" [Experience in the use of anti-sclerotic therapy (longidase 3000 IU, rectal suppositories) in the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis]. Вестник РУДН, серия "Медицина" (in Russian) (3): 19–24. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
- Golomedova AV, Stakhanov VA, Galygina NO (2007). "Эффективность применения Лонгидазы в комплексной терапии больных туберкулезом легких" [The effectiveness of the use of Longidase in the complex therapy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis]. Здоровье и образование в ХХI веке (электронный вестник) (in Russian) (5): 191. Retrieved May 6, 2021.
External links
- "Mayo Clinic (2020)."Pyoderma gangrenosum"". Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 2020-12-21.
- "NHS (2018). "Sclerdoma"". 26 April 2018. Retrieved 2020-12-20.