In information theory and signal processing, the Discrete Universal Denoiser (DUDE) is a denoising scheme for recovering sequences over a finite alphabet, which have been corrupted by a discrete
memoryless channel. The DUDE was proposed in 2005 by Tsachy Weissman, Erik Ordentlich, Gadiel Seroussi, Sergio Verdú and Marcelo J. Weinberger.
The Discrete Universal Denoiser (DUDE) is a denoising scheme that estimates an
unknown signal
over a finite
alphabet from a noisy version
While most denoising schemes in the signal processing
and statistics literature deal with signals over
an infinite alphabet (notably, real-valued signals), the DUDE addresses the
finite alphabet case. The noisy version
is assumed to be generated by transmitting
through a known discrete
memoryless channel.
For a fixed context length parameter
, the DUDE counts of the occurrences of all the strings of length
appearing in
. The estimated value
is determined based the two-sided length-
, taking into account all the other tokens in
with the same context, as well as the known channel matrix and the loss function being used.
The idea underlying the DUDE is best illustrated when
is a
realization of a random vector
. If the conditional distribution
, namely
the distribution of the noiseless symbol
conditional on its noisy context
was available, the optimal
would be the Bayes Response to
Fortunately, when
the channel matrix is known and non-degenerate, this conditional distribution
can be expressed in terms of the conditional distribution
, namely
the distribution of the noisy symbol
conditional on its noisy
context. This conditional distribution, in turn, can be estimated from an
individual observed noisy signal
by virtue of the Law of Large Numbers,
is “large enough”.
Applying the DUDE scheme with a context length
to a sequence of
over a finite alphabet
operations and space
Under certain assumptions, the DUDE is a universal scheme in the sense of asymptotically performing as well as an optimal denoiser, which has oracle access to the unknown sequence. More specifically, assume that the denoising performance is measured using a given single-character fidelity criterion, and consider the regime where the sequence length
tends to infinity and the context length
tends to infinity “not too fast”. In the stochastic setting, where a doubly infinite sequence noiseless sequence
is a realization of a stationary process
, the DUDE asymptotically performs, in expectation, as well as the best denoiser, which has oracle access to the source distribution
. In the single-sequence, or “semi-stochastic” setting with a fixed doubly infinite sequence
, the DUDE asymptotically performs as well as the best “sliding window” denoiser, namely any denoiser that determines
from the window
, which has oracle access to
The discrete denoising problem
Block diagram description of the discrete denoising problem
be the finite alphabet of a fixed but unknown original “noiseless” sequence
. The sequence is fed into a discrete
memoryless channel (DMC). The DMC operates on each symbol
independently, producing a corresponding random symbol
in a finite alphabet
. The DMC is known and given as a
Markov matrix
, whose entries are
. It is convenient to write
for the
-column of
. The DMC produces a random noisy sequence
. A specific realization of this random vector will be denoted by
A denoiser is a function
that attempts to recover the noiseless sequence
from a distorted version
. A specific denoised sequence is denoted by
The problem of choosing the denoiser
is known as signal
estimation, filtering or smoothing. To compare candidate denoisers, we choose a single-symbol fidelity criterion
(for example, the Hamming loss) and define the per-symbol loss of the denoiser
Ordering the elements of the alphabet
, the fidelity criterion can be given by a
matrix, with columns of the form
The DUDE scheme
Step 1: Calculating the empirical distribution in each context
The DUDE corrects symbols according to their context. The context length
used is a tuning parameter of the scheme. For
, define the left context of the
-th symbol in
and the corresponding right context as
. A two-sided context is a combination
of a left and a right context.
The first step of the DUDE scheme is to calculate the empirical distribution of symbols in each possible two-sided context along the noisy sequence
. Formally, a given two-sided context
that appears once or more along
determines an empirical probability distribution over
, whose value at the symbol
Thus, the first step of the DUDE scheme with context length
is to scan the input noisy sequence
once, and store the length-
empirical distribution vector
(or its non-normalized version, the count vector) for each two-sided context found along
. Since there are at most
possible two-sided contexts along
, this step requires
operations and storage
Step 2: Calculating the Bayes response to each context
Denote the column of single-symbol fidelity criterion
, corresponding to the symbol
, by
. We define the Bayes Response to any vector
of length
with non-negative entries as
This definition is motivated in the background below.
The second step of the DUDE scheme is to calculate, for each two-sided context
observed in the previous step along
, and for each symbol
observed in each context (namely, any
such that
is a substring of
) the Bayes response to the vector
, namely
Note that the sequence
and the context length
are implicit. Here,
is the
-column of
and for vectors
denotes their Schur (entrywise) product, defined by
. Matrix multiplication is evaluated before the Schur product, so that
stands for
This formula assumed that the channel matrix
is square (
) and invertible. When
is not invertible, under the reasonable assumption that it has full row rank, we replace
above with its Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
and calculate instead
By caching the inverse or pseudo-inverse
, and the values
for the relevant pairs
, this step requires
operations and
Step 3: Estimating each symbol by the Bayes response to its context
The third and final step of the DUDE scheme is to scan
again and compute the actual denoised sequence
. The denoised symbol chosen to replace
is the Bayes response to the two-sided context of the symbol, namely
This step requires
operations and used the data structure constructed in the previous step.
In summary, the entire DUDE requires
operations and
Asymptotic optimality properties
The DUDE is designed to be universally optimal, namely optimal (is some sense, under some assumptions) regardless of the original sequence
denote a sequence of DUDE schemes, as described above, where
uses a context length
that is implicit in the notation. We only require that
and that
For a stationary source
Denote by
the set of all
-block denoisers, namely all maps
be an unknown stationary source and
be the distribution of the corresponding noisy sequence. Then
and both limits exist. If, in addition the source
is ergodic, then
For an individual sequence
Denote by
the set of all
-th order sliding window denoisers, namely all maps
of the form
be an unknown noiseless sequence stationary source and
be the distribution of the corresponding noisy sequence. Then
Non-asymptotic performance
denote the DUDE on with context length
defined on
-blocks. Then there exist explicit constants
that depend on
alone, such that for any
and any
we have
is the noisy sequence corresponding to
(whose randomness is due to the channel alone)
In fact holds with the same constants
as above for any
-block denoiser
. The lower bound proof requires that the channel matrix
be square and the pair
satisfies a certain technical condition.
To motivate the particular definition of the DUDE using the Bayes response to a particular vector, we now find the optimal denoiser in the non-universal case, where the unknown sequence
is a realization of a random vector
, whose distribution is known.
Consider first the case
. Since the joint distribution of
is known, given the observed noisy symbol
, the unknown symbol
is distributed according to the known distribution
. By ordering the elements of
, we can describe this conditional distribution on
using a probability vector
, indexed by
, whose
-entry is
. Clearly the expected loss for the choice of estimated symbol
Define the Bayes Envelope of a probability vector
, describing a probability distribution on
, as the minimal expected loss
, and the Bayes Response to
as the prediction that achieves this minimum,
. Observe that the Bayes response is scale invariant in the sense that
For the case
, then, the optimal denoiser is
. This optimal denoiser can be expressed using the marginal distribution of
alone, as follows. When the channel matrix
is invertible, we have
is the
-th column of
. This implies that the optimal denoiser is given equivalently by
. When
is not invertible, under the reasonable assumption that it has full row rank, we can replace
with its Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse and obtain
Turning now to arbitrary
, the optimal denoiser
(with minimal expected loss) is therefore given by the Bayes response to
is a vector indexed by
, whose
-entry is
. The conditional probability vector
is hard to compute. A derivation analogous to the case
above shows that the optimal denoiser admits an alternative representation, namely
, where
is a given vector and
is the probability vector indexed by
-entry is
is replaced by a pseudo-inverse if
is not square or not invertible.
When the distribution of
(and therefore, of
) is
not available, the DUDE replaces the unknown vector
with an empirical estimate
obtained along the noisy sequence
itself, namely with
. This leads to the
above definition of the DUDE.
While the convergence arguments behind the optimality properties above are more
subtle, we note that the above, combined with the
Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem, is enough to prove that for a stationary ergodic source, the DUDE with context-length
is asymptotically optimal all
-th order sliding window denoisers.
The basic DUDE as described here assumes a signal with a one-dimensional index
set over a finite alphabet, a known memoryless
channel and a context length that is fixed in advance. Relaxations of each of these
assumptions have been considered in turn. Specifically:
- Infinite alphabets
- Channels with memory
- Unknown channel matrix
- Variable context and adaptive choice of context length
- Two-dimensional signals
Application to image denoising
A DUDE-based framework for grayscale image denoising achieves state-of-the-art denoising for impulse-type noise channels (e.g., "salt and pepper" or "M-ary symmetric" noise), and good performance on the Gaussian channel (comparable to the Non-local means image denoising scheme on this channel). A different DUDE variant applicable to grayscale images is presented in.
Application to channel decoding of uncompressed sources
The DUDE has led to universal algorithms for channel decoding of uncompressed sources.