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List of doping cases in sport (G)
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    List of doping cases in sport (G)

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    This is a sub-list from List of doping cases in sport representing a full list of surnames starting with G.

    Name Country Event Banned substance(s) Reference(s)
    Mohammed Gaber  Egypt Weightlifting
    Ivailo Gabrovski  Bulgaria Cycling EPO
    Al-Saadi Gaddafi  Libya Football (soccer) Nandrolone
    Éric Gagné  Canada Baseball Human growth hormone
    Alexander Gaidukov  Russia Water polo Carphedon
    Aaron Galindo  Mexico Football (soccer) Nandrolone
    Luiza Galiulina  Uzbekistan Gymnastics Furosemide
    Gao Yanzhi  China Weightlifting
    Ismael Garcia Bravo  Spain Swimming Ephedrine
    Sergio Garcia Ortiz  Spain Swimming
    Juan Garriga  Spain Motorcycle racing (never sanctioned; admitted to use after the end of his career)
    Lukasz Gasior  Poland Swimming Cannabis
    Richard Gasquet  France Tennis Cocaine (later forgiven by the excuse that he kissed a girl who used cocaine)
    Stefano Garzelli  Italy Cycling Probenecid
    Philippe Gaumont  France Cycling Erythropoietin (EPO) (self-admitted)
    Michael Gausman  United States Swimming Cannabinoids
    Vikas Singh Gautam  France Volleyball Steroids
    Anzhelika Gavrilova  Kazakhstan Speed skating Clenbuterol
    Pauline Gendrier  France Volleyball Cocaine
    Ivan Gertlein  Russia Pole vaulting DHEA
    Sylvain Georges  France Cycling Heptaminol
    Tihomir Georgiev  Bulgaria Volleyball Cannabinoids
    Amanda Gerhart  Canada Wrestling Refusal to submit to doping test
    Dinko Geshev  Poland Swimming Cannabis
    Ute Geweniger  East Germany Swimming Turinabol (self-admitted)
    Alireza Gharibi  Iran Wrestling D-methamphetamine
    Jason Giambi  United States Baseball Human growth hormone, steroids (self-admitted)
    Jeremy Giambi  United States Baseball Human growth hormone, steroids (self-admitted)
    Jay Gibbons  United States Baseball Growth hormone
    Lewis Gibbons  United Kingdom Football (soccer) Benzoylecgonine, cannabis
    Jack Gibbs  United Kingdom Wheelchair basketball
    Monica Gibellini  Italy Water polo Cannabinoids
    Ed Giddins  England Cricket Cocaine
    Lukasz Giminski  Poland Swimming
    Felice Gimondi  Italy Cycling
    Everton Giovanella  Brazil Football (soccer)
    Christopher Girard  Canada Water polo Cannabis
    Mads Glaesner  Denmark Swimming Levomethamphetamine
    Martin Gleeson  United Kingdom Rugby Methylhexaneamine
    Ekaterina Gnidenko  Russia Cycling Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (Turinabol)
    Anthony Gobert  Australia Motorcycle racing Cannabis (Not sanctioned for first offence, but was released from contract by team)
    Luis Pereira Melo Godinho  Portugal Volleyball Cannabinoids
    Babak Goldasteh  Iran Wrestling Anabolic steroids
    Andreas Goldberger  Austria Ski jumping Cocaine
    Daria Goltsova  Russia Weightlifting Cocaine
    Joellison Viana de Silva Gomez  Brazil Weightlifting Methylhexaneamine
    Kerem Gönlüm  Turkey Basketball Cathine
    Derlis Gómez  Paraguay Football (soccer) Coca
    Aitor González  Spain Cycling Methyltestosterone metabolite
    Dee Gordon  United States Baseball Exogenous Testosterone and Clostebol
    Dwight Gooden  United States Baseball Cocaine
    Besarion Goshashvili  Georgia Wrestling Furosemide
    Anna Gostomelsky  Israel Swimming Prednisolone
    Ólafur Gottskálksson  Iceland Football (soccer)
    Lauren Goulart  Brazil Swimming Methylhexaneamine
    Royce Gracie  Brazil Mixed martial arts Nandrolone metabolite
    Sam Grammer  United States Highland Games
    Johan Granath  Sweden Speed skating Unknown substance
    Guy Greavette  Canada Weightlifting Anabolic steroids
    Robbie Green  United Kingdom Darts Cannabis
    Elen Grigoryan  Armenia Weightlifting Methandienone
    Jason Grimsley  United States Baseball Amphetamines, anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, (self-admitted)
    Kevin Grubb  United States Auto Racing Refusal to submit to doping control
    Firas Guachai  Tunisia Swimming Testosterone
    Pep Guardiola  Spain Football (soccer) Nandrolone
    Elzo Guerra Aranoz  Chile Weightlifting Methandienone
    Melvin Guillard  United States Mixed martial arts Cocaine
    Zafar Guliyev  Russia Wrestling Bromantan
    Fabrizio Guidi  Italy Cycling Erythropoietin (EPO)
    Zahid Gulfam  Pakistan Cycling Nandrolone
    Ari Gunnarsson  Iceland Swimming 19-Norandrosterone
    Mathias Gunthar  Sweden Wrestling Furosemide
    Guo Tianxin  China Weightlifting Clenbuterol
    Carlos Gurpegi  Spain Football (soccer) 19-norandrosterone
    Keith Gurusinghe  Sri Lanka Rugby union Methylhexanamine
    Rebeca Gusmão  Brazil Swimming Testosterone; Tampering
    Ferenc Gyurkovics  Hungary Weightlifting Oxandrolone

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