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List of sequenced archaeal genomes
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List of sequenced archaeal genomes

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This list of sequenced archaeal genomes contains all the archaea known to have publicly available complete genome sequences that have been assembled, annotated and deposited in public databases. Methanococcus jannaschii was the first archaeon whose genome was sequenced, in 1996.

Currently in this list there are 39 genomes belonging to Crenarchaeota species, 105 belonging to the Euryarchaeota, 1 genome belonging to Korarchaeota and to the Nanoarchaeota, 3 belonging to the Thaumarchaeota and 1 genome belonging to an unclassified Archaea, totalling 150 Archaeal genomes.



Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Acidilobus saccharovorans 345-15 1,496,000 1,547 CP001742 2010


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Aeropyrum pernix K1 1,669,695 2,694 NC_000854 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 1999
Desulfurococcus kamchatkensis 1221n 1,365,000 1,521 CP001140 2009
Hyperthermus butylicus DSM 5456 1,667,000 1,669 CP000493 2007
Ignicoccus hospitalis KIN4/I, DSM 18386 1,297,000 1,496 CP000816 2008
Ignisphaera aggregans AQ1.S1, DSM 17230 1,875,000 2,042 CP002098 2010
Pyrolobus fumarii 1A, DSM 11204 1,843,000 2,038 CP002838 2011
Staphylothermus hellenicus P8, DSM 12710 1,580,000 1,716 CP002051 2011
Staphylothermus marinus F1, DSM 3639 1,570,000 1,659 CP000575 2011
Thermosphaera aggregans M11TL, DSM 11486 1,316,000 1,457 CP001939 2010


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Acidianus hospitalis W1 2,137,000 2,424 CP002535 2011
Metallosphaera cuprina Ar-4 1,840,000 2,077 CP002656 2011
Metallosphaera sedula DSM 5348 2,191,000 2,347 CP000682 2008
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius DSM 639 2,225,959 2,223 CP000077 2005
Sulfolobus islandicus HVE10/4 2,655,000 CP002426 2011
Sulfolobus islandicus L.D.8.5 2,722,000 2,996 Chromosome CP001731

Plasmid pLD8501 CP001732

Sulfolobus islandicus L.S.2.15 2,736,000 3,068 CP001399 2009
Sulfolobus islandicus M.14.25 2,608,000 2,900 CP001400 2009
Sulfolobus islandicus M.16.27 2,692,000 2,956 CP001401 2009
Sulfolobus islandicus M.16.4 2,586,000 2,869 CP001402 2009
Sulfolobus islandicus REY15A 2,522,000 CP002425 2011
Sulfolobus islandicus Y.G.57.14 2,702,000 3,079 CP001403 2009
Sulfolobus islandicus Y.N.15.51 2,812,000 3,318 Chromosome CP001404

Plasmid pYN01 CP001405

Sulfolobus islandicus LAL14/1 2,465,177 2,601 CP003928 2013
Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 2,992,245 2,995 AE006641 2001
Sulfolobus solfataricus 98/2 2,668,000 2,728 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP001800 2009
Sulfolobus tokodaii 7 2,694,765 2,826 BA000023 2001


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Caldivirga maquilingensis IC-167 2,077,000 2,011 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000852 2007
Pyrobaculum aerophilum IM2 2,222,430 2,605 AE009441 2002
Pyrobaculum arsenaticum PZ6, DSM 13514 2,121,000 2,410 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000660 2007
Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548 2,009,000 2,213 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000561 2007
Pyrobaculum islandicum DSM 4184 1,826,000 2,063 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000504 2006
Pyrobaculum sp. 1860 Unpublished CP003098 2011
Thermofilum pendens Hrk 5 1,781,000 1,930 Chromosome CP000505

Plasmid pTPEN01 CP000506

Thermoproteus neutrophilus V24Sta 1,769,000 2,053 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP001014 2008
Thermoproteus tenax Kra1 1,841,000 2,100 FN869859 2011
Thermoproteus uzoniensis 768-20 1,936,000 2,229 CP002590 2011
Vulcanisaeta distributa DSM 14429 2,374,000 2,592 CP002100 2010
Vulcanisaeta moutnovskia 768-28 2,298,000 2,393 CP002529 2011



Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM4304 2,178,400 2,407 AE000782 1997
Archaeoglobus veneficus SNP6, DSM 11195 1,901,000 2,194 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP002588 2011
Archaeoglobus profundus Av18, DSM 5631 1,563,000 1,911 Chromosome CP001857

Plasmid pArcpr01 CP001858

Ferroglobus placidus AEDII12DO, DSM 10642 2,196,000 2,622 CP001899 2011


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Halalkalicoccus jeotgali B3, DSM 18796 3,690,000 3925 Chromosome I CP002062

Plasmid 1 CP002063
Plasmid 2 CP002064
Plasmid 3 CP002065
Plasmid 4 CP002066
Plasmid 5 CP002067
Plasmid 6 CP002068

Haloarcula hispanica CGMCC 1.2049 3,484,000 3,561 Chromosome I CP002921

Chromosome II CP002922
Plasmid pHH400 CP002923

Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049 3,131,724 3,131 Chromosome I AY596297

Chromosome II AY596298
Plasmid pNG100 AY596290
Plasmid pNG200 AY596291
Plasmid pNG300 AY596292
Plasmid pNG400 AY596293
Plasmid pNG500 AY596294
Plasmid pNG600 AY596295
Plasmid pNG700 AY596296

Halobacterium salinarum R1, DSM 671 2,000,000 2,801 Chromosome NC_010364

Plasmid PHS1 NC_010366
Plasmid PHS2 NC_010369
Plasmid PHS3 NC_010368
Plasmid PHS4 NC_010367

Halobacterium species NRC-1 2,014,239 2,058 Chromosome NC_002607

Plasmid pNRC100 NC_002607
Plasmid pNRC200 NC_002608

Halobiforma lacisalsi AJ5, JCM 12983 4,320,000 4,682 AGFZ00000000 2011
Haloferax volcanii DS2 Chromosome CP001956

Plasmid pHV1 CP001957
Plasmid pHV2 CP001954
Plasmid pHV3 CP001953
Plasmid pHV4 CP001955

Halogeometricum borinquense PR3, DSM 11551 3,920,000 4,059 Chromosome CP001690

Plasmid pHBOR01 CP001691
Plasmid pHBOR02 CP001692
Plasmid pHBOR03 CP001693
Plasmid pHBOR04 CP001694
Plasmid pHBOR05 CP001695

Halomicrobium mukohataei arg-2, DSM 12286 3,332,000 3,475 Chromosome CP001688

Plasmid pHmuk01 CP001689

Halopiger xanaduensis SH-6 3,668,000 3,685 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome CP002839

Plasmid pHALXA01 CP002840
Plasmid pHALXA02 CP002841
Plasmid pHALXA03 CP002842

2011 (Chromosome)
Haloquadratum walsbyi C23, DSM 16854 3,148,000 Chromosome FR746099

Plasmid PL6A FR746101
Plasmid PL6B FR746102
Plasmid PL100 FR746100

Haloquadratum walsbyi HBSQ001, DSM 16790 3,132,000 2,914 Chromosome AM180088

Plasmid PL47 AM180089

Halorhabdus tiamatea SARL4B 3,840,000 4,034 AFNT00000000 2011
Halorhabdus utahensis AX-2, DSM 12940 3116 Kb 3076 CP001687 2009
Halorubrum lacusprofundi ATCC 49239 4,300,000 3,725 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome 1 CP001365

Chromosome 2 CP001366
Plasmid pHLAC01 CP001367

2009 (Chromosomes 1 and 2)
Haloterrigena turkmenica VKM B-1734, DSM 5511 5,440,000 5,351 Chromosome CP001860

Plasmid pHTUR01 CP001861
Plasmid pHTUR02 CP001862
Plasmid pHTUR03 CP001863
Plasmid pHTUR04 CP001864
Plasmid pHTUR05 CP001865
Plasmid pHTUR06 CP001866

Natrialba asiatica ATCC 700177 Survey 2004
Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099 3,751,000 4,364 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP001932 2010
Natronomonas pharaonis DSM2160 2,595,221 2,675 Chromosome CR936257

Plasmid PL131 CR936258
Plasmid PL23 CR936259



Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Methanobacterium sp. AL-21 2,583,000 DOE Joint Genome Institute,
Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CP002551 2011
Methanobacterium sp. SWAN-1 2,546,000 2,500 DOE Joint Genome Institute,
Univ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CP002772 2011
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta-H 1,751,377 1,869 AE000666 1997
Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 2,937,000 2,283 CP001719 2010
Methanobrevibacter smithii DSM 2375 1,704,000 1,748 Washington University ABYW00000000 2008
Methanobrevibacter smithii F1, DSM 2374 1,707,000 1,749 Washington University ABYV00000000 2010
Methanobrevibacter smithii PS, ATCC 35061 1,853,000 1,841 CP000678 2007
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS94A 1,889,000 1,808 AELU00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS94B 1,886,000 1,856 AELV00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS94C 1,910,000 1,812 AELW00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS95A 1,992,000 1,961 AELX00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS95B 1,972,000 1,895 AELY00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS95C 1,978,000 1,874 AELZ00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS95D 2,011,000 1,860 AEMA00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS96A 1,975,000 1,852 AEMB00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS96B 1,869,000 1,742 AEMC00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS96C 1,818,000 1,764 AEMD00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS145A 1,782,000 1,786 AEKU00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS145B 1,797,000 1,880 AELL00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS146A 1,792,000 1,823 AELM00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS146B 1,794,000 1,814 AELN00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS146C 1,947,000 2,355 AELO00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS146D 1,713,000 1,693 AELP00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS146E 1,952,000 1,887 AELQ00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS147A 2,008,000 1,969 AELR00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS147B 1,965,000 1,911 AELS00000000 2011
Methanobrevibacter smithii TS147C 1,973,000 2,014 AELT00000000 2011
Methanosphaera stadtmanae DSM 3091 1,767,403 1,534 CP000102 2005
Methanothermobacter marburgensis Marburg DSM 2133 1,634,000 1,806 CP001710 2010
Methanothermus fervidus V24S, DSM 2088 1,243,000 1,361 CP002278 2010


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Methanocaldococcus fervens AG86 1,485,000 1,663 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome CP001696

Plasmid pMEFER01 CP001697

2009 (Chromosome)
Methanocaldococcus infernus ME 1,328,000 1,513 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP002009 2010
Methanocaldococcus jannaschii DSM 2661 1,664,970 1,715 Chromosome: L77117

Large plasmid: L77118
Small plasmid: L77119

Methanocaldococcus vulcanius M7, DSM 12094 1,746,000 1,808 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome CP001787

Plasmid pMETVU01 CP001788
Plasmid pMETVU02 CP001789

Methanocaldococcus sp. FS406-22 1,760,000 1,893 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome CP001901

Plasmid pFS01 CP001902

2010 (Chromosome)
Methanococcus aeolicus Nankai-3 1,569,000 1,554 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000743 2007
Methanococcus maripaludis C5 1,780,000 1,896 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000609 2007
Methanococcus maripaludis C6 1,744,000 1,874 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000867 2007
Methanococcus maripaludis C7 1,772,000 1,858 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000745 2007
Methanococcus maripaludis S2 1,661,137 1,722 NC_005791 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 2004
Methanococcus maripaludis X1 1,746,000 1,892 CP002913 2011
Methanococcus vannielii SB 1,720,000 1,755 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000742 2007
Methanococcus voltae A3 1,936,000 1,768 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP002057 2010
Methanothermococcus okinawensis IH1 1,662,000 1,662 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome CP002792

Plasmid pMETOK01 CP002793

2011 (Chromosome)
Methanotorris igneus Kol5, DSM 5666 1,854,000 1,843 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP002737 2011


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8 2,542,000 2,518 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000780 2007
Methanocella sp. Rice Cluster I (RC-I) MRE50 3,179,916 3103 Genome sequence, then taxonomic placement AM114193 2005
Methanocella paludicola SANAE 2,957,635 3004 AP011532 2011
Methanocella conradii HZ254 1,316,380 2512 CP003243 2012
Methanococcoides burtonii DSM6242 2,575,032 2,273 CP000300 2009
Methanocorpusculum labreanum Z 1,804,000 1,830 CP000559 2009
Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1, DSM 1498 2,478,000 2,560 CP000562 2009
Methanohalobium evestigatum Z-7303 2,406,232 2,254 DOE Joint Genome Institute Chromosome: CP002069

Plasmid pMETEV01: CP002070

2010 (Chromosome)
Methanohalophilus mahii SLP, DSM 5219 2,012,000 2,095 CP001994 2010
Methanoplanus petrolearius SEBR 4847, DSM 11571 2,843,000 2,881 CP002117 2011
Methanosalsum zhilinae WeN5, DSM 4017 2,138,000 2,086 CP002101 2010
Methanosaeta concilii GP-6 3,008,000 CP002565 2010
Methanosaeta harundinacea 6Ac 2,559,000 CP003117 2011
Methanosaeta thermophila PT 1,879,000 1,785 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000477 2006
Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A 5,751,492 4,540 AE010299 2002
Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro, DSM 804 4,837,408 3,607 Chromosome CP000099

Plasmid 1 CP000098

2006 (Chromosome)
Methanosarcina mazei Go1 4,096,345 3,371 AE008384 2002
Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c, DSM 19958 2,922,000 2,859 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP001338 2008
Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 3,544,738 3,139 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP000254 2006


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 1,694,969 1,691 AE009439 2002


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Pyrococcus abyssi GE5 1,765,118 1,784 NC_000868 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 2000
Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638 1,908,256 2,065 AE009950 1999
Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 1,738,505 2,061 NC_000961 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 1998
Pyrococcus sp. NA2 1,861,000 1,984 CP002670 2011
Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1 1,716,000 1,952 CP002779 2011
Thermococcus barophilus MP, DSM 11836 2,010,000 2,196 CP002372 2011
Thermococcus gammatolerans EJ3 2,045,000 2,206 CP001398 2009
Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 2,088,737 2,306 AP006878 2005
Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 1,847,000 2,027 NC_011529 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 2008
Thermococcus sibiricus MM 739 1,845,000 2,085 CP001463 2009
Thermococcus sp. 4557 2,011,000 2,181 CP002920 2011
Thermococcus sp. AM4 2,086,000 2,279 CP002952 2011


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Ferroplasma acidarmanus Fer1 1,865,000 1,742 AABC00000000 2007
Picrophilus torridus DSM 9790 1,545,895 1,535 AE017261 2004
Thermoplasma acidophilum DSM 1728 1,564,906 1,478 NC_002578 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 2000
Thermoplasma volcanium GSS1 1,584,804 1,526 NC_002689 (NCBI Reference Sequence) 2000

Unclassified Euryarchaeota

Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Aciduliprofundum boonei T469 1,486,000 1,587 DOE Joint Genome Institute CP001941 2010


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Candidatus Korarchaeum cryptofilum OPF8 1,590,000 1,661 CP000968 2008


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M 490,885 536 AE017199 2003



Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Cenarchaeum symbiosum A 2,045,000 2,066 DP000238 2006


Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
Candidatus Nitrosoarchaeum limnia SFB1 1,769,000 2,171 AEGP00000000 2011
Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 1,645,000 1,842 CP000866 2010

Unclassified Archaea

Species Strain Base Pairs Genes Reference GenBank identifier Publication year
halophilic archaeon sp. DL31 Unpublished CP002988 2011

See also

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