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Literary criticism stubs
- ABC of Reading
- Afflatus
- An Experiment in Criticism
- Axel's Castle
- A Preface to Paradise Lost
- A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake
- Beowulf and the Critics
- Beta reader
- Buechernachlese
- Chorizontes
- Citationality
- Cognitive poetics
- Covering cherub
- Descriptive poetics
- Diacritics (journal)
- Effect of reality
- Explication de Texte
- Fabulation
- Fictocriticism
- Fire the Bastards!
- Free play (Derrida)
- Grandes y pequeños hombres del Plata
- Great refusal
- Hamlet and the New Poetic
- Happy Alchemy
- Hunting the Snark
- Interpretive communities
- Kuthyas Kawejan
- Lisible
- Meridiano di Roma
- Metaparody
- Modern Language Notes
- Morphology (folkloristics)
- My Back Pages: Reviews and Essays
- Naked Is the Best Disguise
- New humanism (literature)
- Nouvelles de la république des lettres
- Of Other Worlds
- Purity of Diction in English Verse
- Pushkin studies
- Rash promise
- Redology
- Reinventing Comics
- Resistant reading
- Self-Consuming Artifacts
- Sercon
- Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage
- Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong
- Six Memos for the Next Millennium
- Six Walks in the Fictional Woods
- Studies in Classic American Literature
- Template:Lit-criticism-book-stub
- Template:Lit-criticism-stub
- Tendenz
- The Anatomy of Criticism
- The Art of Fiction (book)
- The Chaucer Review
- The Great Tradition
- The Guide to Modern World Literature
- The Individuated Hobbit
- The Literature of Georgia: A History
- The Lonely Voice
- The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
- The Pleasures of Japanese Literature
- The Seashell Game
- The World Beyond the Hill
- The Wounded Surgeon
- Time Bites: Views and Reviews
- Tree and Leaf
- True Crime Zine
- Wpływologia
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