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Medical diagnostic stubs
- Abderhalden reaction
- Abelin reaction
- Acoustic rhinometry
- Acoustoelastography
- Activated clotting time
- Adams Forward Bend Test
- Addis count
- Agostini's reaction
- Apnea–hypopnea index
- Arm recoil
- Ashby technique
- Åstrand test
- Back examination
- Beutler test
- Biceps reflex
- Biochemical detection
- Bodansky unit
- Brachioradialis reflex
- Bradyesthesia
- Breast ultrasound
- Breath test
- Brief Pain Inventory
- Brodie–Trendelenburg percussion test
- Bronchial challenge test
- Bronchography
- Buerger's test
- Calibrated automated thrombogram
- CAMP test
- Captopril suppression test
- Casoni test
- Cephalogram
- CODY Assessment
- Coin test
- Combined rapid anterior pituitary evaluation panel
- Compound muscle action potential
- CSF/serum albumin ratio
- CSF/serum glucose ratio
- CSF albumin
- Culdocentesis
- Culture conversion
- Current density imaging
- Cystography
- Cystourethrography
- Delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage
- Diagnostically acceptable irreversible compression
- Diagnostic medical sonography
- Digital X-ray radiogrammetry
- Dunphy's sign
- Echoencephalography
- Egg hatch assay
- Eijkman test
- Electro-olfactography
- Embrace Neonatal MRI System
- Emission computed tomography
- Endoluminal capsule monitoring
- End organ damage
- Exalenz Bioscience
- Facet cyst
- Fetal scalp blood testing
- Fetal scalp stimulation test
- Fibrinogen uptake test
- Finnegan scoring system
- Fluid wave test
- Frailty index
- Frei test
- French–American–British classification
- Froin's syndrome
- Functio laesa
- Gamna–Favre bodies
- Gandy–Gamna nodules
- Gated SPECT
- Giant pelvis
- Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB
- Greene Menopause Index
- Growth landmarks
- Ham test
- Hawkins–Kennedy test
- Hess test
- Horowitz index
- Host factor
- Hystero contrast sonography
- Intermuscular coherence
- Jenner's stain
- Laboratory developed test
- Lamellar body count
- Lewis lead
- Liver span
- Lumbar provocative discography
- Lundh's test
- May–Grünwald stain
- Mentzer index
- Modified Maddrey's discriminant function
- Monoyer chart
- Morse Fall Scale
- Müller's maneuver
- Multispectral segmentation
- Necrophobia
- Organ dysfunction
- Ottawa Bowel Preparation Scale
- Ottawa knee rules
- Overall hemostatic potential
- Patellar tap
- Peritoneal equilibration test
- Perthes test
- Pharmacodiagnostic testing
- Physiologic tremor
- Platelet swirling
- Portography
- Precordial concordance
- Predictive value of tests
- Radiation protection of patients
- Renal failure index
- Respiratory disturbance index
- Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale
- Schumm test
- Screening cultures
- Sereny test
- Siderophage
- Siewert classification
- Skeletal survey
- Skull bossing
- Sloan letters
- Speculoscopy
- Spinal Cord Toolbox
- Stenvers projection
- ST Genesia
- Superparamagnetic iron–platinum particles
- Surfactant–albumin ratio
- Syndromic testing
- Technetium (99mTc) tilmanocept
- Template:Med-diagnostic-stub
- Tinetti test
- Total complement activity
- Transient hepatic attenuation differences
- Transrectal ultrasonography
- Trinder glucose activity test
- Typhidot
- Ultrasound-guided lumbar puncture
- Ultrasound transmission tomography
- Ureteroscopy
- Urine electrolyte levels
- Urine osmolality
- UroVysion
- Vibroacoustic stimulation
- Viral culture
- Wasserman 9-Panel Plot
- Watson–Schwartz test
- Webster's test
- Whole body imaging
- Wong–Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale
- Wound ballistics
- X-ray marker
- Xenon-enhanced CT scanning
- Xeroradiography
- Yeoman's test
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