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Populated places with highest incidence of multiple birth
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    Populated places with highest incidence of multiple birth

    Подписчиков: 0, рейтинг: 0

    This article lists places worldwide where relatively high birth rates of twins were documented:

    Villages or Towns "Towns of Twins"

    Location Country Continent Twin Birth Rate
    Kodinhi India Asia 204 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets born to 2,000 families
    Velikaya Kopanya Ukraine Europe 122 twins in a population of 4,000
    Igbo-Ora Nigeria Africa 45 to 50 sets of twins per 1000 live births
    Cândido Godói Brazil South America One in 10 births involves twins
    Mohammadpur Umri India Asia One in 10 births involves twins
    Abu Atwa, Ismailia Egypt Africa


    In 2008, Massachusetts has emerged as the most prolific producer of multiple births in the United States. The state has a twin birth rate of 4.5 for every 100 live births, compared with a national rate of 3.2.


    There is publicly available, peer edited, cited literature to rank the twinning rate by country. www.livescience.com has an article related to this, but article’s only citation is the authors previous opinion article.

    See also

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