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Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy
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    Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy

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    Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) is a designation given by the Food and Drug Administration to drug candidates intended to treat serious or life-threatening conditions under the 21st Century Cures Act. A RMAT designation allows for accelerated approval based surrogate or intermediate endpoints.

    RMAT goes beyond breakthrough therapy features by allowing for accelerated approval of drugs based on surrogate endpoints. A surrogate endpoint is a biomarker that substitutes for a direct endpoint, such as clinical benefit.

    Legal background

    Section 3033 of the 21st Century Cures Act introduces section 506(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) that allows for the designation of certain therapies as a 'regenerative medicine advanced therapy' (RMAT) (21 U.S.C. § 356).

    Qualifying criteria

    In order to qualify for RMAT status, a treatment must

    1. meet the definition of a regenerative medicine therapy,
    2. intend to treat, modify, reverse or cure a serious condition, and
    3. be supported by preliminary clinical evidence that indicates the RMAT candidate can address the clinical need.

    A regenerative medicine therapy is defined in section 506(g)(8) of the FD&C Act to include cell therapies, therapeutic tissue engineering, human cell and tissue products. Under the FDA's interpretation, gene therapies and genetically modified cells that have a lasting effect, such as CAR-T antitumor therapies, may also qualify as regenerative medicine therapies.


    A RMAT designation includes all benefits of the Fast Track and breakthrough therapy designations. In addition, it opens up early interactions between the FDA and sponsors to facilitate accelerated approval. In this context, accelerated approval means approval based on

    1. previously agreed-upon surrogate or intermediate endpoints, or
    2. data from a limited but meaningful number of sites.

    The ability to use 'Real World Evidence' (RWE), i.e. post-market evidence of safety and effectiveness, is particularly useful in the context of orphan diseases, where recruiting a sufficiently large cohort for pre-marketing clinical trials may not be feasible. RWE may include data from patient registries, clinical records and case studies.

    Where a RMAT's sponsor fails to comply with the requirements for accelerated approval, the RMAT designation and the benefits conferred by it can be withdrawn (21 CFR 601.43).


    List of pharmaceuticals designated as RMATs
    Name Designee Type Biological target Therapeutic indication
    ED-101 Abeona Therapeutics cell therapy Collagen, type VII, alpha 1 Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
    ABO-102 Abeona Therapeutics gene therapy SGSH Mucopolysaccharidosis Type III (Sanfilippo syndrome)
    ADP-A2M4 Adaptimmune Therapeutics SPEAR T-cells MAGEA4 Synovial sarcoma
    ALLO-715 Allogene Therapeutics allogeneic CAR-T B-cell maturation antigen Refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma


    Allovir allogeneic CAR-T BK virus, CMV, adenoviridae, Epstein–Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6, JC virus (human polyomavirus 2) BK virus associated hemorrhagic cystitis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    AB205 Angiocrine Bioscience allogeneic cord endothelial cells Severe regiment-related toxicities from conditioning chemotherapy prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with lymphomas
    AST-OPC1 Asterias Biotherapeutics allogeneic oligodendrocyte progenitor cells Spinal cord injuries
    AT132 Audentes Therapeutics gene therapy Myotubularin 1 X-linked myotubular myopathy
    Valoctocogene roxaparvovec



    BioMarin Pharmaceutical gene therapy F8 Haemophilia A
    Betibeglogene autotemcel


    bluebird bio gene therapy Hemoglobin subunit beta Sickle cell disease
    Lisocabtagene maraleucel


    Bristol Myers Squibb autologous CAR-T CD19 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


    Caladrius Biosciences autologous cell therapy CD34 Refractory angina
    CAP-1002 Capricor Therapeutics allogeneic cell therapy Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    CT053 CARsgen Therapeutics autologous CAR-T B-cell maturation antigen Refractory or relapsed multiple myeloma
    Romyelocel-L Cellerant Therapeutics allogeneic cell therapy Serious bacterial and fungal infections during induction chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia
    CTX001 CRISPR Therapeutics

    Vertex Pharmaceuticals

    gene therapy Fetal hemoglobin Sickle cell disease

    Transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia

    RVT-802 Enzyvant allogeneic cell therapy Thymus tissue Congenital athymia in DiGeorge syndrome
    ECT-001 ExCellThera allogeneic cell therapy Hematologic malignancies
    FCX-007 (dabocemagene autoficel) Fibrocell

    Castle Creek Biosciences

    gene therapy Collagen, type VII, alpha 1 Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
    Ilixadencel Immunicum AB allogeneic cell therapy Renal cell carcinoma
    Lifileucel Iovance Biotherapeutics autologous cell therapy Metastatic melanoma that progresses after an anti-PD-1 treatment
    MGTA-456 Magenta Therapeutics allogeneic cell therapy CD34 Promoting hematopoietic stem cell transplant engraftment in Hurler syndrome, metachromatic leukodystrophy and Krabbe disease
    MDR-101 Medeor Therapeutics allogeneic cell therapy CD34, CD3 Prevention of kidney transplant rejection
    MB-107 Mustang Bio

    St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

    gene therapy Common gamma chain X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency
    RP-L102 Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc. gene therapy FANCA Fanconi anemia
    VY-AADC Voyager Therapeutics gene therapy Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase Parkinson's disease
    RP-L201 Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc. gene therapy using autologous CD34+ enriched cells Integrin beta 2 Leukocyte adhesion deficiency Type I
    OTL-103 Orchard Therapeutics gene therapy using autologous cells WASp Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome


    In 2020, the FDA received 34 requests for RMAT status, of which 12 (35.3%) were granted. RMAT designated drugs include the novel CAR-T therapy Kymriah and betibeglogene autotemcel for beta thalassemia. As of 31 March 2021, 62 requests for RMAT status have been granted.

    More than half of the RMAT applications received by March 2019 involved autologous or allogeneic cell therapy products, including CAR-T therapies.

    See also

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