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Skin conditions resulting from physical factors
- Abrasion (medical)
- Actinic prurigo
- Actinic reticuloid
- Bazin's hydroa vacciniforme
- Berlock dermatitis
- Berloque dermatitis
- Blood blister
- Calcaneal petechiae
- Callus
- Chafing (skin)
- Chromidrose plantaire
- Chronic photosensitivity dermatitis
- Chronic wound
- Clavus (medicine)
- Cold injury
- Corn (pathology)
- Cutis marmorata
- Dead finger
- Decubitus ulcer
- Dermatoheliosis
- Dermatosis neglecta
- Direct DNA damage
- Dry bite
- Edema bulla
- Ephelis
- Erythema ab igne
- Familial polymorphous light eruption of American Indians
- Fire stains
- Fissure of the nipple
- Freckle
- Frostbite
- Glasgow smile
- Hand–arm vibration syndrome
- Heat rash
- Heloma
- Heloma durum
- Heloma molle
- Hereditary polymorphous light eruption of American Indians
- Hutchinson's summer prurigo
- Hydroa aestivale
- Hydroa vacciniforme
- Hydrostatic bulla
- Hygroma (canine disease)
- Indirect DNA damage
- Intractable plantar keratosis
- Kangri cancer
- Levamisole induced necrosis syndrome
- Margarita photodermatitis
- Miliaria
- Miliaria crystalline
- Nodular cutaneous elastosis with cysts and comedones
- Paddy-field foot
- Paddy foot
- Painful piezogenic pedal papules
- Paraffinoma
- Pernio
- Perniosis
- Persistent light reactivity
- Photoaging
- Photodermatitis
- Photosensitive eczema
- Phytophotodermatitis
- Piezogenic papules
- Pinch (action)
- Polymorphic light eruption
- Polymorphous light eruption
- Post-traumatic punctate intraepidermal hemorrhage
- Pressure ulcer
- Prickly heat
- Retiform purpura
- Road rash
- Solar urticaria
- Stasis blister
- Sticky skin syndrome
- Sucking blister
- Sudamina
- Talon noir
- Tattoo
- Toasted skin syndrome
- Traumatic auricular hematoma
- Tyloma
- Violinist's viola pad
- Waterlow score
- Wrestler's ear
- Yoruba tribal marks
- Ionizing radiation-induced cutaneous conditions
- Scarring
Другие языки:
Skin conditions resulting from physical factors
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