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    If you are looking for Deafgeek (Deafgeekgaming.org) this is not him.

    Mini Bio

    I'm a Late Deaf Geek, who lost his hearing to Bacterial Meningitis a few years back. Interests vary from day to day, but I'll work on that part of this eventually, I'm sure, once I become more acclimated to the standards and practices here.

    To Do

    • Make a page of The Andersons, Inc
    • Make a page for Late deafened adults


    Some copy edits here, some anti-vandilisms there. Did a major edit to Logan Huntzberger


    One of the ways I've been getting myself used to Wiki, as well as absorb as much knowledge as humanly possible, is something I call (for lack of a better term) "WikiSurfing." It works pretty much like this.

    1. Go to a random link
    2. Read, read, read
    3. When done, click on "what links here"
    4. Pick a random link from said list
      1. I've programmed something in Excel to help with that, since I prefer real randomness to "oh, that looks interesting"
    5. Lather, rinse, repeat

    Works In Progress

    User:Deafgeek/Robot Chicken List


    Hoergeraet analog 050609.jpg This user is deaf.
    gk This user is a geek.
    Far This user watches Farscape
    STAR WARS This user would shoot Greedo first.
    Firefox logo, 2019.svg This user contributes using Firefox.
    BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
    Comic-sketch.jpg This user enjoys comics.
    Coffee cup icon.jpg This user likes the taste of coffee, not cream / sugar /
    hazelnut / what have you.
    Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714.svg This user enjoys solving
    Sudoku puzzles.
    Female.svgMale.svg This user supports gender equality.
    Star of life.svg This user scored 499.7772327765342 on the Wikipediholic test.
    Browncoat.JPG This user is a Browncoat.
    We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.

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