Hi, I'm edi. Welcome to my user page.
A request
I prefer that no one edits this page without checking with me first. If you feel that something should be changed or could be improved, please leave a note on my talk page. I'll be happy to hear your thoughts, and will probably be open to implementing your suggestions.
About me
It is approximately 9:48 AM where this user lives (Texas)
This user used to live in West Virginia but now lives somewhere else. |
Body & Health
This user does not smoke.
This user is an omnivore, but prefers fruits and vegetables over meat.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 17 years, 1 month and 1 day. |
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia. |
Style & other preferences
This user thinks good grammar is sexy. |
they he or she
This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage. |
if & whether |
This user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly. |
Latin Plurals: "Data is are..."
This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".
US vs. UK
This user uses "logical quotation marks". Forcing internal punctuation leads to factual errors. It's not a nationalistic style issue! |
This user dies a little inside whenever they see the word you in an article. |
My languages
1337/ IntS !
This user understands leet, IM & texting slang, but won't use it. "411 ur LOL pwn ROFLMAO OMG b310ng 2" you, thanks. |
Look over to the right a few centimeters. You see where it says "All about me"? If you want to know more about me, unfold the hidden userboxes and take a peek. There's all sorts of information, and if you need to know something else (though I can't imagine why anyone would) I'd be happy to talk about it. Just leave a note on my talk page.
What I do at Wikipedia
My favorite thing to do at Wikipedia (or anywhere else, really) is copy-editing. I love language and I'm a little obsessive by nature, so it does my soul good to fix mistakes and create a nice, clean encyclopedic tone. I'm also pretty good at wikifying, and with lots of experience I've built up my sourcing skills, as well.
I strongly prefer cleaning up a whole article at once rather than just fixing some random thing that I notice and then moving on. Fixing one thing without checking the whole article clashes with my sense of order and completeness. To be honest, if I don't have time to do the whole article I'd almost rather not do anything at all. That's probably my biggest Wiki-weakness.
I also don't like making a lot of small consecutive edits when I'm going over a full article. I prefer to put the whole thing in a text editor and clean it up there, occasionally pasting it back in here to preview the formatting, and then save it here only when I'm finished. Therefore, my edit count does not remotely reflect the amount of work I've done here. I certainly haven't done as much as I'd like, but most of my edits actually encompass a very large number of changes to the page. This causes me to feel a little inferior sometimes because my edit count is so low, but I know what I've done and I feel proud of the improvements that I've made. There's a list below of the articles on which I've made major edits.
I rarely start new articles. I'm not very good at starting from scratch.
Articles on which I've done significant work

* It won't look like much to the casual observer, but I'm really proud of my work on this one. The editing itself was pretty standard, but during the course of doing it, I (1) taught myself how to resize images and move them to non-default positions on the page (namely, the left side), (2) significantly refined my citation formatting skills, and (3) added my first tag to an article (which I knew how to do, but wasn't bold enough until now). Elementary stuff, to be sure, but it makes me happy.
** Another one where I'm proud of my work because I did something new. This was a two sentence stub with no references at all when I started, and I did all the research required and expanded it to a short but decent, well-referenced article. No big deal in the big scheme of things, but a first for me.
*** Very proud of this one. In 2013, the article had been deleted due to a question of notability, which I felt strongly to be due entirely to poor writing and poor sourcing that failed to show the notability of the subject. I worked hard to find better sources and write a better article, and eventually re-created it in late 2014. It was almost immediately marked for deletion because I had re-created a previously-deleted article, which raised a red flag. I again worked to make my case and after some discussion the article was approved for inclusion. Hooray!
To do
My personal sandboxes
One for major overhauls...
... and one for testing bits of code and stuff like that
Userboxes that I have made
Statistics & stuff
Note to myself