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Другие языки:


    Подписчиков: 0, рейтинг: 0
    <html> This user can write HTML.
    Open book 01.svg This user enjoys reading anything.
    HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.
    G This user is a Gryffindor.
    S This user is a Slytherin.
    MiB.svg A person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!
    BDKS This user is the stone that the builder refused...
    DT This user lives in a house that is Drawn Together with love.
    FG This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet.
    FR for Futurama Userbox.svg Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
    d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
    South park sign.svg This user demands you
    respect my authoritah!
    *_* This user loves manga.
    *_* This user loves anime.
    D This user is a Digidestined.
    Wikiball.svg This user is a Pokémon fan.
    Yu-Gi-Oh! (Logo).jpg This user is prepared to duel.
    This user is a high school student.
    10th Grade This user is in 10th Grade.
    SPA This user's favourite subject is Spanish.
    GAD This user lives with generalized anxiety disorder.
    Eyeglasses.jpg This user is near sighted.
    Face-glasses.svg This user wears corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses, without which they'd be as blind as a bat!
    Mixed-handed-left.png This user is mixed-handed. Mixed-handed-right.png
    Face-smile-big.svg This user can lick his/her own elbow.
    teen This user is a teenager, not a stereotype.
    Userbox Child.jpg This user is a child at heart. They might have grown older, but they'll never grow up.
    Y This user is a member of
    Generation Y.
    AmericaAfrica.svg This user's ethnicity is
    African American.
    Flag of the United States.svg This user is American; recognized ancestry ends at the border.
    Flag of England.svg This user is of English ancestry.
    Héraldique meuble Fleur de lys lissée.svg This user is of French ancestry.
    Flag of Spain.svg This user is Spanish.
    Rotating earth (large).gif This user is of multiple ancestries.
    SIS This user has a Big Sister.
    BRO This user has a Big Brother
    Taurus symbol (bold, white).svg This user is a Taurean.
    This user was born in the year of the Goat. Goat.svg
    Crystal Clear app linneighborhood.svg This user has a website, which can be found here.
    Y! This user uses Yahoo! as a primary search engine.
    Yahoo! Mail (2019).svg This user uses Yahoo! Mail as a primary e-mail service.
    IE This user contributes using
    Internet Explorer.
    BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
    Crystal kthememgr.svg This user overuses userboxes.
    Crystal package.png This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
    Crystal kthememgr.svg This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
    ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
    Too many userboxes This user may have too many userboxes ... nah, no way!!
    en This user is a native speaker of the English language.
    es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
    fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
    de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
    ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
    sgn-1 This user can communicate at a basic level in {{{1}}}.
    French fries juliane kr r.svg This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
    Pizza.svg This user loves to eat pizza.
    Kartoffelchips-1.jpg This user eats potato chips.
    Spaghetti-prepared.jpg This user loves spaghetti.
    Autumn Red peaches.jpg If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day.
    FraiseFruitPhoto.jpg This user eats strawberries.
    Watermelon seedless.jpg This user eats watermelon.
    Bagel.jpg This user couldn't live without bagels, but NO CREAM CHEESE!
    Banana on pancake.jpg This user loves pancakes.
    Chocolate cake.jpg
    This user loves cake.
    Pink peeps.jpg You better keep your hands off my peeps!
    Choco chip cookie.png This user eats cookies.
    C This user can't make up their mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and drinks both. P
    This user eats at KFC.
    McDonald's Golden Arches.svg This user eats at McDonald's.
    Gamepad.svg This user is addicted to video games.
    cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer.
    Gamepad.svg This user enjoys computer and video game music outside gaming.
    OOjs UI icon laptop.svg This user prefers to play games on a laptop.
    GameCube-Console-Set.png This user prefers the GameCube and PlayStation 2 over the Xbox. PS2Slim.JPG
    Rounded Rectangles.svg This user plays games on the Nintendo DS portable console.
    fan-0 This user dislikes the Halo video game series.
    fan-2 This user loves the Kingdom Hearts video game series.
    fan-2 This user loves the Mario Kart video game series.
    fan-2 This user loves the Pokemon video game series.
    Grand Theft Auto logo series.svg
    This user once loved Grand Theft Auto.
    KH This user plays the Kingdom Hearts series.
    Nintendo This user supports Nintendo.
    PSx This user is a fan of Sony PlayStation console series hardware and software.
    (-o-) This user plays the Pokémon RPGs and other related video games.
    RCT This user plays RollerCoaster Tycoon.
    fan-3 This user loves Aaliyah.
    fan-3 This user loves Utada.
    RAP This user enjoys Rap and Hip Hop music.
    Musical note nicu bucule 01.svg This user enjoys pop music.
    Roland Keyboard.jpg This user enjoys R&B and soul music.
    Anti-iPod.png This user does not like iPods.
    Jan Smeekens.jpg This user enjoys inline skating.
    Roma 193 Giovanni Franceschi.jpg This user is a swimmer.
    Bowlerbowling.JPG This user is a bowler.
    Crystal kdmconfig.png This user is interested in their family history.
    Scale of justice.svg This user is interested in law.
    Hw-darwin.jpg This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.

    If you didn't notice I'm KL XD

    And welcome to my blankish page o_o ... which has wayyyyyyyyy too many userboxes xD

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