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    Подписчиков: 0, рейтинг: 0

    General Information

    So you've ended up viewing this user's page, what magical gushes of wisdom will you expect to find here?

    Probably nothing. There's not much to say really and I doubt anyone is really interested. I'm a straight talker, you won't find me beating around the bush and I don't stand no nonsense either. For some people that might make me seem "high and mighty" to others I'm "bold". Either way it makes no difference.

    The "R" by the way stands for Rob. I was born in London, England, United Kingdom, currently under occupation of the politicially correct bridgade. I currently live in exile in Wales, where it rains... a lot... I've felt tempted to include in the wikipedia pages on Wales that we actually have a monsoon season here but I'd expect it would just be put up for deletion like anything else not considered endorsed by the Big Mac...

    Expect lots of flashy boxes and all that. I'm not really into creating pages, just debating what should and shouldn't go and editing whatever I can contribute to, probably unknown stuff but there you go.

    At time of writing I am currently a Grade 7 Referee for the sport; Football (soccer for you yanks) having passed the Football Referee's Exam and completing my first season, where I was nominated for linesman at the Under-15's Cup Final at the Bridge Meadow, Haverfordwest. Several weeks later I ran the line for the Welsh Under 19's League. Currently I'm still officiating as a referee and lines-man in the Pembrokeshire area of Wales under the West Wales Football Association.

    File:Nazi Swastika.svg This user believes some wikiadmins are corrupt.

    The above userbox is my opinion and no I haven't had *any* run ins with admins this is just my opinion after seeing how *some* of them have acted in recent and past times. Naturally ask me no questions and I'll whisper no names.

    The rest of the userboxes are here to show my love of userboxens! Anyway enjoy.

    sgn BSL is this user's native, primary or preferred language.
    en This user is a native speaker of the English language.
    ♂ This user is male.
    AmE-0 This user does not understand the American English language and bloody well doesn't want to.
    Search user languages

    Edit Practice section non relevent for my personal use only.

    File:Suikoden EU cover.jpg
    Developer(s) Konami
    Publisher(s) Konami Corporation
    Platform(s) Sony PlayStation
    Release Japan December 15 1995

    United States December 1996

    Europe April 1997
    Genre(s) Role-playing game
    Mode(s) Single player

    //99% of articles will look great with the following formula: six-nine line intro, info box at the right, informative image in the image box, rest of article, a See also section to sequels, spinoffs, genres, or EXTREMELY similar games (for example, Wolfenstein should not link to Doom, Armagetron should however link to other Lightcycle games) Remember that more content doesn't make an article better. For example, compare this revision of Perfect World to this article I haven't heard of until just now, and tell me which one you think I'd call a better article//

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