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Yo-Yo intermittent test
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    Yo-Yo intermittent test

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    The Yo-Yo intermittent test is aimed at estimating performance in stop-and-go sports like football (soccer), cricket, basketball and the like. It was conceived around the early 1990s by Jens Bangsbo, a Danish soccer physiologist, then described in a 2008 paper, "The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test". Like many other tests of fitness, it involves running at ever-increasing speeds, to exhaustion. However, a crucial difference is that the Yo-Yo Intermittent test has periodic rest intervals, thus simulating the nature of exertion in stop-and-go sports.

    The four tests

    There are four versions of the Yo-Yo Intermittent test:

    • Recovery Level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1). This is the most popular version focusing "on the capacity to carry out intermittent exercise leading to a maximal activation of the aerobic system".
    • Recovery Level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2). This is a tougher version of "Recovery Level 1". It "determines an individual's ability to recover from repeated exercise with a high contribution from the anaerobic system."
    • Endurance Level 1 (Yo-Yo IE1). This may be used to test participants in less vigorous sports that usually last longer.
    • Endurance Level 2 (Yo-Yo IE2). This is a tougher version of "Endurance Level 1".

    The tests, described below, are largely similar to each other in principle. Coaches and individuals are free to select the one that best suits their sport and the individuals they are training.

    Basic features


    Yo-Yo Intermittent Test Track

    All tests use the same 25-meter track (shown). Markers are placed at 0, 5 and 25 meters on a flat surface that has suitable traction to allow for significant acceleration and deceleration.


    The set-up for all four versions is identical. Prior to the test commencing, runners line up at the 5 m marker, facing the 25 m marker. Following a countdown, a double beep signals the start.

    1. Runners commence running towards the 25 m marker
    2. At or before the following beep, runners must reach the 25 m marker. Touching with a single foot is acceptable
    3. At or after, but not before, the same beep, runners commence running back to the 5 m marker
    4. At or before the next beep, runners must reach back to the 5 m marker
    5. The rest period now commences: 10 seconds in the Recovery tests, 5 seconds in the Endurance tests. Runners stroll to the 0 m marker, then return to the 5 m marker
    6. A beep indicates the end of the rest period and the start of the next circuit (back to Step 1)

    After a predetermined number of circuits at a speed level (which varies with each version of the test), the speed level changes. This is signaled, usually, by a double beep or, possibly, a voice cue. The required speed at the new speed level will be faster.

    Video of the Recovery Level 1 test


    A runner who fails to reach the relevant marker in time is cautioned; if they want to continue, they must touch the marker before turning back. Two consecutive failures terminates their attempt. Their most recent successful circuit is marked as their score.

    Scoring is usually done using "Speed Level.Circuits" terminology; for example, 15.2, which means "completed 2 circuits at level 15". Alternatively, scores may be recorded as distance; for example, 840 m. The two methods correlate exactly, meaning that given one, it is possible to determine the other (see the tables below).

    Note that scores in one version of the test do not correlate with scores in other versions. That is, a score of 15.2 in Yo-Yo IR1 is not the same as 15.2 in Yo-Yo IR2.

    Recovery Level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1)

    Yo-Yo IR1 appears to be the most popular test, primarily because it is a considered a good indicator of the aerobic capacity of athletes in intermittent sports.




    at Level





    per Shuttle


    at Level


    Time (incl.







    5 2 10.0 7.20 14.4 00:24 2 40
    9 2 12.0 6.00 12.0 00:46 4 80
    11 4 13.0 5.54 22.2 01:29 8 160
    12 6 13.5 5.33 32.0 02:31 14 280
    13 8 14.0 5.14 41.1 03:52 22 440
    14 16 14.5 4.97 79.4 06:31 38 760
    15 16 15.0 4.80 76.8 09:08 54 1080
    16 16 15.5 4.65 74.3 11:42 70 1400
    17 16 16.0 4.50 72.0 14:14 86 1720
    18 16 16.5 4.36 69.8 16:44 102 2040
    19 16 17.0 4.24 67.8 19:12 118 2360
    20 16 17.5 4.11 65.8 21:38 134 2680
    21 16 18.0 4.00 64.0 24:02 150 3000
    22 16 18.5 3.89 62.3 26:24 166 3320
    23 16 19.0 3.79 60.6 28:45 182 3640

    Note: A circuit consists of running two shuttles followed by a 10 second rest period

    Table derived from "The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests: A Systematic Review and Structured Compendium of Test Results" and ESPNCricinfo

    As a side note, "Speed Level" correlates exactly with "Running Speed (km/h)" using the formula: (Running Speed – 7.5) * 2. This applies to all versions of the test.

    Recovery Level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2)

    The Yo-Yo IR2 test is usually used to evaluate elite level athletes, specifically aimed at determining the athlete's ability to perform well in the aerobic and anaerobic spectrum.




    at Level





    per Shuttle


    at Level


    Time (incl.







    11 2 13.0 5.54 11.1 00:21 2 40
    15 2 15.0 4.80 9.6 00:41 4 80
    17 4 16.0 4.50 18.0 01:19 8 160
    18 6 16.5 4.36 26.2 02:15 14 280
    19 8 17.0 4.24 33.9 03:29 22 440
    20 16 17.5 4.11 65.8 05:55 38 760
    21 16 18.0 4.00 64.0 08:19 54 1080
    22 16 18.5 3.89 62.3 10:41 70 1400
    23 16 19.0 3.79 60.6 13:01 86 1720
    24 16 19.5 3.69 59.1 15:21 102 2040
    25 16 20.0 3.60 57.6 17:38 118 2360
    26 16 20.5 3.51 56.2 19:54 134 2680
    27 16 21.0 3.43 54.9 22:09 150 3000
    28 16 21.5 3.35 53.6 24:23 166 3320
    29 16 22.0 3.27 52.4 26:35 182 3640

    Note: A circuit consists of running two shuttles followed by a 10 second rest period

    Table derived from "The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests: A Systematic Review and Structured Compendium of Test Results"

    Endurance Level 1 (Yo-Yo IE1)




    at Level





    per Shuttle


    at Level


    Time (incl.







    1 4 8.00 9.00 36.0 00:46 4 80
    3 4 9.00 8.00 32.0 01:28 8 160
    5 4 10.00 7.20 28.8 02:07 12 240
    6 16 10.50 6.86 109.7 04:37 28 560
    6.5 16 10.75 6.70 107.2 07:04 44 880
    7 16 11.00 6.55 104.7 09:28 60 1200
    7.5 6 11.25 6.40 38.4 10:22 66 1320
    8 6 11.50 6.26 37.6 11:14 72 1440
    8.5 12 11.75 6.13 73.5 12:58 84 1680
    9 12 12.00 6.00 72.0 14:40 96 1920
    9.5 12 12.25 5.88 70.5 16:20 108 2160
    10 12 12.50 5.76 69.1 18:00 120 2400
    10.5 12 12.75 5.65 67.8 19:37 132 2640
    11 12 13.00 5.54 66.5 21:14 144 2880
    11.5 12 13.25 5.43 65.2 22:49 156 3120
    12 12 13.50 5.33 64.0 24:23 168 3360
    12.5 12 13.75 5.24 62.8 25:56 180 3600
    13 12 14.00 5.14 61.7 27:28 192 3840
    13.5 12 14.25 5.05 60.6 28:58 204 4080
    14 12 14.50 4.97 59.6 30:28 216 4320

    Note: A circuit consists of running two shuttles followed by a 5 second rest period

    Table derived from "The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests: A Systematic Review and Structured Compendium of Test Results"

    Endurance Level 2 (Yo-Yo IE2)




    at Level





    per Shuttle


    at Level


    Time (incl.







    8 4 11.50 6.26 25.0 00:35 4 80
    10 4 12.50 5.76 23.0 01:08 8 160
    12 4 13.50 5.33 21.3 01:39 12 240
    13 16 14.00 5.14 82.3 03:42 28 560
    13.5 16 14.25 5.05 80.8 05:43 44 880
    14 16 14.50 4.97 79.4 07:42 60 1200
    14.5 6 14.75 4.88 29.3 08:26 66 1320
    15 6 15.00 4.80 28.8 09:10 72 1440
    15.5 12 15.25 4.72 56.7 10:37 84 1680
    16 12 15.50 4.65 55.7 12:02 96 1920
    16.5 12 15.75 4.57 54.9 13:27 108 2160
    17 12 16.00 4.50 54.0 14:51 120 2400
    17.5 12 16.25 4.43 53.2 16:15 132 2640
    18 12 16.50 4.36 52.4 17:37 144 2880
    18.5 12 16.75 4.30 51.6 18:58 156 3120
    19 12 17.00 4.24 50.8 20:19 168 3360
    19.5 12 17.25 4.17 50.1 21:39 180 3600
    20 12 17.50 4.11 49.4 22:59 192 3840
    20.5 12 17.75 4.06 48.7 24:17 204 4080
    21 12 18.00 4.00 48.0 25:35 216 4320

    Note: A circuit consists of running two shuttles followed by a 5 second rest period

    Notable records: Ryan Ferguson - completed 2009. 21.12 Table derived from "The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests: A Systematic Review and Structured Compendium of Test Results"

    Yo-Yo tests and VO2 max

    VO2 max, or milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute (e.g., mL/(kg·min)), is considered an excellent proxy for aerobic fitness. Consequently, attempts have been made to correlate Yo-Yo test scores with VO2 max. There are conflicting reports about such a correlation. Two studies reported only a weak correlation. Another study reported strong correlation (R2=0.89) but the author acknowledged that most previous studies showed weak correlation.


    There are sources that have published formulae for the relationship:

    Yo-Yo IR1: VO2max = (Final distance (in meters) × 0.0084) + 36.4

    Yo-Yo IR2: VO2max = (Final distance (in meters) × 0.0136) + 45.3

    However, an eyeball review indicates minimum scores for Yo-Yo IR1 and Yo-Yo IR2 of 36.4 and 45.3 respectively—that is, the score if the runner does not complete a single circuit. Both scores are reasonably respectable VO2 max scores; clearly, the formulae apply with additional caveats (which are not mentioned).

    Yo-Yo IR1 standards

    A selection of standards, across sports, from around the world. Note that these may be affected by selection bias. An open-access publication on reference values for different sports and activity levels for individuals > 16 years of age has been published in 2018. A reference list for children is also available


    Country Sport Organization Level Distance


    Canada Canada Field Hockey FHBC (British Columbia) 15.8 1080
    United Nations International Basketball – Referees – Elite FIBA 15.4 920


    Country Sport Organization Level Distance


     Canada Field Hockey FHBC (British Columbia) 18.0 2040
    Rugby Union(Scrum Half, Centre,

    Stand Off, Back Three)

    Canadian Rugby 19.1 2080
    United Nations International Basketball
    Elite Referees
    FIBA 16.3 1200
     India Cricket National Team 17.1 1440
     New Zealand Cricket National Team 20.1 2400
     Pakistan Cricket National Team 17.4 1580
     United Kingdom Rugby League
    Elite Referees
    Rugby Football League 18.5 2240
    Rugby League
    National Referees
    15.1-17.1 2040
     United States Rugby Union
    Elite Referees
    USA Rugby 18.5 2240
    Rugby Union
    National Referees
    18.0 2040
    Cricket West Indies West Indies Cricket National Team 19.0 2080

    See also

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