In the history of the Linnaean classification system, many taxa (e.g. species, genera, families, and higher taxonomic ranks) have become defunct or obsolete, and are no longer used.
Taxon |
Classification(s) used |
Class Vermes
Order Agriae
Linnaeus (1748) |
Anteaters and pangolins
Order Anthropomorpha
Linnaeus (1740, 1748) |
1740: Primates, anteaters, and sloths
1748: Primates and sloths
Order Belluae
Linnaeus (1758, 1766) |
1758: Horses and hippopotamuses
1766: as above plus pigs, and rhinoceroses
Order Bestiae
Linnaeus (1758) |
Pigs, armadillos, hedgehogs, moles, shrews, and opossums
Order Bruta
Linnaeus (1758, 1766) |
1758: Elephants, manatees, sloths, anteaters, pangolins
1766: as above plus armadillos
Suborder Gravigrada
Order Insectivora
Hedgehog, shrews, moles, tenrecs, golden moles, otter shrews, solenodons, and sometimes elephant-shrews, treeshrews, and colugos
Order Jumenta
Linnaeus (1740, 1748) |
1740: Shrews, horses, elephants, hippopotamuses, and pigs
1748: as above plus rhinoceroses
Order Lipotyphla
Order and/or Suborder Pachydermata
Perissodactyls, elephants, hippopotamuses, peccaries, pigs, and sometimes camels
Order Quaternates
Blainville (1839) |
Gravigrada, Pachydermata and Ruminantia
Order Secundates
Blainville (1839) |
Chiroptera, Insectivora and Carnivora
Order Tertiates
Blainville (1839) |
Superorder Archonta
Primates, Bats, Colugos, Treeshrews, and sometimes Elephant shrews
Genus Simia
Apes (but not humans) and monkeys
Genus Tylognathus
A variety of freshwater ray finned fish
Genus Brochis
Three Catfish in the family Callichthyidae