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List of deaths from drug overdose and intoxication

List of deaths from drug overdose and intoxication

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Photomontage of six celebrities. Refer to caption.
Notable deaths from acute drug use include Mac Miller, Heath Ledger, Prince, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Dolores O'Riordan, and Michael Jackson.

Drug overdose and intoxication are significant causes of accidental death and can also be used as a form of suicide. Death can occur from overdosing on a single or multiple drugs, or from combined drug intoxication (CDI) due to poly drug use. Poly drug use often carries more risk than use of a single drug, due to an increase in side effects, and drug synergy. For example, the chance of death from overdosing on opiates is greatly increased when they are consumed in conjunction with alcohol. While they are two distinct phenomena, deaths from CDI are often misreported as overdoses. Drug overdoses and intoxication can also cause indirect deaths. For example, while marijuana does not cause fatal overdoses, being intoxicated by it can increase the chance of fatal traffic collisions.

Drug use and overdoses increased significantly in the 1800s due to the commercialization and availability of certain drugs. For example, while opium and coca had been used for centuries, their active ingredients, morphine and the cocaine alkaloid, were not isolated until 1803 and 1855 respectively. Cocaine and various opiates were subsequently mass-produced and sold openly and legally in the Western world, resulting in widespread misuse and addiction. Drug use and addiction also increased significantly following the invention of the hypodermic syringe in 1853, with overdose being a leading cause of death among intravenous drug users.

Efforts to prohibit various drugs began to be enacted in the early 20th century, though the effectiveness of such policies is debated. Deaths from drug overdoses are increasing. Between 2000 and 2014, fatal overdoses rose 137% in the United States, causing nearly half a million deaths in that period, and have also been continually increasing in Australia, Scotland, England, and Wales. While prohibited drugs are generally viewed as being the most dangerous, the misuse of prescription drugs is linked to more deaths in several countries. Cocaine and heroin combined caused fewer deaths than prescriptions drugs in the United Kingdom in 2013, and fewer deaths than prescription opiates alone in the United States in 2008. As of 2015, the drug most likely to cause fatal overdose in Australia was diazepam (Valium). While fatal overdoses are highly associated with drugs such as opiates, cocaine and alcohol, deaths from other drugs such as caffeine are extremely rare.

This alphabetical list contains 625 notable people whose deaths can be reliably sourced to be the result of drug overdose or acute drug intoxication. Where sources indicate drug overdose or intoxication was only suspected to be the cause of death, this will be specified in the 'notes' column. Where sources are able to indicate, deaths are specified as 'suicide', 'accidental', 'undetermined', or otherwise in the 'cause' column. Where sources do not explicitly state intent, they will be listed in this column as 'unknown'. Deaths from accidents or misadventure caused by drug overdoses or intoxication are also included on this list. Deaths from long-term effects of drugs, such as tobacco-related cancers and cirrhosis from alcohol, are not included, nor are deaths from lethal injection or legal euthanasia.


Name Born Died Age Profession Drug(s) Manner Notes Ref.
Louis Abolafia 1941 1995 54 Artist Unspecified Unknown
Herb Abrams 1955 1996 41 Wrestling promoter Cocaine Accidental Drug-induced heart attack
Janet Achurch 1864 1916 52 Actress Morphine Unknown
Trent Acid 1980 2010 29 Wrestler Unspecified Unknown
Arthur Adamov 1908 1970 61 Playwright Barbiturates Accidental
Brian Adams 1963 2007 43 Wrestler Unspecified painkillers Accidental
Nick Adams 1931 1968 36 Actor Paraldehyde and promazine Unknown
Ai Xia 1912 1934 21 Actress Opium Suicide
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa 1892 1927 35 Writer Barbital Suicide
Michael Alig 1966 2020 54 Club promoter Heroin Accidental
Lexii Alijai 1998 2020 21 Rapper Fentanyl and ethanol Unknown
Howard Alk 1930 1982 51 Filmmaker Heroin Accidental Officially accidental though speculated suicide
A. A. Allen 1911 1970 59 Evangelist Alcohol Unknown
Chet Allen 1939 1984 45 Child actor Antidepressants Suicide
William Barnsley Allen 1892 1933 41 Army officer Unspecified narcotic Accidental
GG Allin 1956 1993 36 Musician Heroin Unknown
Frances Alsop 1782 1821 38 Actress Laudanum Accidental
Abraham Ángel 1905 1924 19 Artist Cocaine Accidental
Pier Angeli 1932 1971 39 Actress Barbiturates Accidental
Bridgette Andersen 1975 1997 21 Child actress Heroin Unknown
Paul Y. Anderson 1893 1938 45 Journalist Sleeping pills Unknown
Chris Antley 1966 2000 34 Jockey Methamphetamines Blunt trauma The coroner's report concluded that Antley's injuries were likely related to a fall caused by the overdose
Jean Améry 1912 1978 65 Writer Sleeping pills Suicide
Diane Arbus 1923 1971 48 Photographer Barbiturates Suicide Arbus also slit her wrists
Reinaldo Arenas 1943 1990 47 Poet Unspecified Suicide
West Arkeen 1960 1997 36 Musician Opiates Accidental
Howard Arkley 1951 1999 48 Painter Heroin Accidental
James Lloyd Ashbury 1834 1895 60–61 Yachtsman Chlorodyne Suicide Suspected overdose
Avery Atkins 1987 2007 20 American football player MDMA Unknown
Kevyn Aucoin 1962 2002 40 Photographer, make-up artist Unspecified painkillers Accidental Aucoin's addiction to painkillers, which were prescribed, caused kidney and liver failure due to paracetamol toxicity
Kathy Augustine 1956 2006 50 Politician Succinylcholine Murder
Chet Baker 1929 1988 58 Musician Cocaine and heroin Accidental Baker fell from a balcony while intoxicated
Tom Baker 1940 1982 42 Actor Heroin Unknown
Albert Ballin 1857 1918 61 Shipping magnate Sleeping pills Suicide
Lester Bangs 1948 1982 33 Music critic, musician Multiple Unknown Dextropropoxyphene, diazepam and NyQuil
Barbette 1899 1973 74 Trapeze artist Methamphetamines Unknown
R. H. Barlow 1918 1951 32 Author Barbiturates Suicide
Sid Barnes 1916 1973 57 Cricketer Barbiturates and bromide Undetermined
Jürgen Bartsch 1946 1976 29 Serial killer Halothane Accidental Accidental overdose administered by nurse
Skye McCole Bartusiak 1992 2014 21 Actress Multiple Accidental Hydrocodone, difluoroethane and carisoprodol
Jean-Michel Basquiat 1960 1988 27 Painter Heroin Unknown
Pierre Batcheff 1907 1932 24 Actor Barbital Suicide
Michael Carl Baze 1987 2011 24 Jockey Cocaine and oxymorphone Accidental
Patricia Beck 1924 1978 53 Writer Insulin Suicide
Scotty Beckett 1929 1968 38 Child actor Barbiturates Unknown
Steve Bechler 1979 2003 23 Baseball pitcher Ephedra Heatstroke The coroner stated the toxicity of ephedra played a significant role in his death
Art Bell 1945 2018 72 Radio host Multiple Accidental Bell's death was a combination of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, and carisoprodol, complicated by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and high blood pressure
Gertrude Bell 1868 1926 57 Writer Sleeping pills Unknown
John Belushi 1949 1982 33 Actor Speedball Accidental
Walter Benjamin 1892 1940 48 Philosopher Morphine Suicide
Jay Bennett 1963 2009 45 Musician Fentanyl Accidental
Jill Bennet 1931 1990 58 Actress Unspecified Unknown
Wes Berggren 1971 1999 28 Musician Multiple Unknown Benzodiazepines, cocaine and propoxyphene
William Lee Bergstrom 1951 1985 33 Gambler Unspecified Suicide
Bruce Berry 1950 1973 22 Roadie Cocaine and heroin Unknown
Don Bessent 1931 1990 59 Baseball pitcher Alcohol Unknown
Leah Betts 1977 1995 18 Student MDMA Water intoxication Died from water intoxication secondary to use of MDMA
Len Bias 1963 1986 22 Basketball player Cocaine Accidental
Big George 1957 2011 53 Presenter, broadcaster Mephedrone Unknown Drug-induced heart attack.
Big Moe 1974 2007 33 Musician Unspecified Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
Bam Bam Bigelow 1961 2007 45 Wrestler Cocaine Unknown Other unspecified drugs were involved
Robert Bingham 1966 1999 33 Writer Heroin Unknown
Ted Binion 1943 1998 54 Gambling executive Alprazolam and heroin Suicide (suspected)
Laurie Bird 1953 1979 26 Actress Diazepam Suicide
Gottfried von Bismarck 1962 2007 44 Aristocrat Cocaine and morphine Unknown
Patrick Bissell 1957 1987 30 Ballet dancer Multiple Unknown Cocaine, codeine, methadone and other unspecified drugs
Clara Blandick 1876 1962 85 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide Drug-induced asphyxiation
Erica Blasberg 1984 2010 25 Golfer Multiple Suicide Drug-induced asphyxiation caused by butalbital, temazepam, alprazolam, codeine, hydrocodone and tramadol
Mattie Blaylock 1850 1888 37–38 Prostitute Opiates Suicide
Mike Bloomfield 1943 1981 37 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Tommy Bolin 1951 1976 25 Musician Unspecified Unknown
John Bonham 1948 1980 32 Musician Alcohol Unknown Bonham choked on his own vomit while intoxicated
Stephan Bonnar 1977 2022 45 Mixed martial artist Fentanyl Accidental
Derek Boogaard 1982 2011 28 Ice hockey player Oxycodone and alcohol Accidental
Jennie Bosschieter 1882 1900 18 Factory worker Chloral hydrate Murder
Christopher Bowman 1967 2008 40 Ice skater Multiple Accidental Cocaine, diazepam, alcohol and cannabis
Charles Boyer 1899 1978 78 Actor Barbiturates Suicide
Billy Lee Brammer 1929 1978 48 Author Methamphetamines Unknown
Elisa Bridges 1973 2002 28 Model Multiple Unknown Heroin, methamphetamines, meperidine and alprazolam
Diane Brimble 1960 2002 42 Mother Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid and alcohol Unknown
William Brinkley 1917 1993 76 Writer Barbiturates Suicide
Dave Brockie 1963 2014 50 Musician Heroin Unknown
Branwell Brontë 1817 1848 31 Painter, writer Opiates Unknown Died of drug-aggravated tuberculosis
Bobbi Kristina Brown 1993 2015 22 Media personality Multiple Unknown Drowned while intoxicated by marijuana, alcohol and an unspecified anti-anxiety medication
Lenny Bruce 1925 1966 40 Comedian Morphine Accidental
Patrick Henry Bruce 1881 1936 55 Painter Barbital Suicide
Julia Bruns 1895 1927 32 Actress Alcohol Accidental
Tim Buckley 1947 1975 28 Musician Multiple Unknown Heroin, morphine and alcohol
Paul Butterfield 1942 1987 44 Musician Unspecified Unknown Drug-induced heart failure
Andrés Caicedo 1951 1977 25 Writer Secobarbital Suicide
Ken Caminiti 1963 2004 41 Baseball player Cocaine and opiates Accidental
Max Cantor 1959 1991 32 Actor, journalist Heroin Unknown
Truman Capote 1924 1984 59 Writer Multiple Unknown Cause of death was liver disease complicated by phlebitis and multiple drug intoxication
Billie Carleton 1896 1918 22 Actress Cocaine Accidental Suspected overdose
Edward John Carnell 1919 1967 47 Pastor Barbiturates Unknown Suspected overdose
Aaron Carter 1987 2022 34 Singer Difluoroethane and alprazolam Accidental Carter drowned in the bath after inhaling the drugs
Leslie Carter 1986 2012 25 Singer Multiple Unknown Olanzapine, cyclobenzaprine and alprazolam
Greg Centauro 1977 2011 34 Pornographic actor Unspecified Unknown
Spencer Charters 1875 1943 67 Actor Sleeping pills Suicide
Richard Chase 1950 1980 30 Serial killer Unspecified Unknown
Vic Chesnutt 1964 2009 45 Musician Unspecified muscle relaxant Suicide
Tai Chi-tao 1891 1949 58 Journalist Sleeping pills Suicide (suspected)
Diana Churchill 1909 1963 54 Naval officer Barbiturates Suicide
Sally Clark 1964 2007 42 Solicitor Alcohol Unknown
Sonny Clark 1931 1963 31 Pianist Heroin Unknown
Steve Clark 1960 1991 30 Musician Multiple Accidental Codeine, diazepam, morphine and alcohol
Charmian Clift 1923 1969 45 Writer Unspecified Suicide
Bob Collins 1946 2007 61 Politician Unspecified prescription drugs and alcohol Suicide
Natasha Collins 1976 2008 31 Actress Cocaine Accidental
Brian Cole 1942 1972 29 Musician Heroin Unknown
Roberta Collins 1944 2008 63 Actress Unspecified drugs and alcohol Accidental
Coolio 1963 2022 59 Rapper Multiple Accidental Fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine
Elizabeth Cooper 1914 1960 46 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Michael Cooper 1941 1973 31 Photographer Heroin Unknown
Megan Connolly 1974 2001 27 Actress Heroin Unknown
Sean Costello 1979 2008 28 Musician Multiple Unknown Heroin, chlordiazepoxide, ephedrine and amphetamine
Pamela Courson 1946 1974 27 Boutique manager Heroin Unknown
Carl Crack 1971 2001 30 Musician Unspecified pills and alcohol Unknown
Ed Crane 1862 1896 34 Baseball player Chloral hydrate Suicide (suspected)
Darby Crash 1958 1980 22 Musician Heroin Suicide
Nicholas C. Creede 1843 1897 53–54 Prospector Morphine Accidental
Tim Crews 1961 1993 31 Baseball pitcher Alcohol Accidental Crews was legally drunk when he crashed a boat, killing himself and Steve Olin
Stephen Crohn 1946 2013 66 Chef Benzodiazepine and oxycodone Suicide
David Croudip 1958 1988 30 American football player Cocaine Unknown
Robbin Crosby 1959 2002 42 Musician Heroin Unknown
Isaac Cruikshank 1764 1811 46–47 Painter Alcohol Unknown
Bartley Crum 1900 1959 59 Lawyer Secobarbital and alcohol Suicide
Will Cuppy 1884 1949 65 Literary critic Sleeping pills Suicide
Jackie Curtis 1947 1985 38 Actor Heroin Unknown
Patricia Cutts 1926 1974 48 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Chyna 1969 2016 46 Wrestler Multiple Accidental Oxymorphone, oxycodone, temazepam, diazepam, and alcohol
Lin Dai 1934 1964 29 Actress Sleeping pills Unknown
Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen 1880 1923 43 Writer Cocaine and alcohol Unknown
Dalida 1933 1987 54 Singer Barbiturates Suicide
Jacques Damala 1855 1889 34 Actor Cocaine and morphine Unknown
Dorothy Dandridge 1922 1965 42 Actress, singer Imipramine Accidental
Mike Darr 1976 2002 25 Baseball player Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Jesse Ed Davis 1944 1988 43 Musician Heroin Unknown
Elmyr de Hory 1906 1976 70 Art forger Barbiturates Suicide (suspected)
Ed Delahanty 1867 1903 35 Baseball player Unspecified Unknown Delahanty was intoxicated when he drowned in Niagara Falls.
Anestis Delias 1912 1944 31–32 Musician Heroin Unknown
Paul DeMayo 1967 2005 37 Bodybuilder Heroin Unknown
Ted Demme 1963 2002 38 Director Cocaine Accidental Suspected drug-induced heart attack
René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet 1943 2008 65 Businessman Sleeping pills Suicide
Edwin Denby 1903 1983 80 Poet Sleeping pills Unknown
Margaret De Patta 1903 1964 60 Jewelry designer Unspecified pills Suicide
Patterson Dial 1902 1945 42 Writer, actress Barbiturates Unknown
Philip Dimmitt 1801 1841 39–40 Texian Army officer Morphine Suicide
DJ Screw 1971 2000 29 Disc jockey Codeine Accidental
DMX 1970 2021 50 Rapper Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
Desmond Donnelly 1920 1974 53 Politician Barbiturates and alcohol Suicide
Michael Dorris 1945 1997 52 Writer Unspecified drugs and alcohol Suicide
Tommy Dorsey 1905 1956 51 Musician Sleeping pills Accidental Choked to death while intoxicated
Eric Douglas 1958 2004 46 Comedian Multiple Unknown Unspecified tranquilizers, painkillers and alcohol
Nick Drake 1948 1974 26 Musician Antidepressants Suicide (suspected)
Jonathan Drummond-Webb 1959 2004 45 Pediatric heart surgeon Unspecified prescription drugs Suicide
Kevin DuBrow 1955 2007 52 Singer Cocaine Accidental
Bobby Duncum Jr. 1965 2000 34 Wrestler Unspecified painkillers and alcohol Unknown
Kenne Duncan 1903 1972 68 Actor Barbiturates Suicide
Theresa Duncan 1966 2007 40 Video game designer Paracetamol and alcohol Suicide
Ryan Dunn 1977 2011 34 Actor, stunt man Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Anthony Durante 1967 2003 36 Wrestler Fentanyl Unknown
Guru Dutt 1925 1964 39 Actor Sleeping pills and alcohol Unknown
Jeanne Eagels 1890 1929 39 Actress Chloral hydrate Unknown
Justin Townes Earle 1982 2020 38 Singer-songwriter Fentanyl and cocaine Accidental
Jamal Edwards 1990 2022 31 Entrepreneur and DJ Cocaine Cardiac arrythmia
Bernie Elsey 1906 1986 79–80 Property developer Unspecified Suicide
John Entwistle 1944 2002 57 Musician Cocaine Accidental Drug-induced heart attack
Brian Epstein 1934 1967 32 Music entrepreneur Sleeping pills Accidental
Howie Epstein 1955 2003 47 Musician Heroin and unspecified prescription drugs Unknown Suspected overdose
Paul Epstein 1871 1939 68 Mathematician Barbital Suicide
Blanca Errázuriz 1894 1940 45 Socialite Barbiturates Suicide
Austin Eubanks 1981 2019 37 Motivational speaker Heroin Accidental
Eyedea 1981 2010 28 Musician Unspecified Accidental
Chris Farley 1964 1997 33 Actor Cocaine and morphine Accidental
Pete Farndon 1952 1983 30 Musician Heroin Unknown Drowned after overdosing
Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1945 1982 37 Playwright, director Barbiturates and cocaine Unknown
Brenda Fassie 1964 2004 39 Singer Cocaine Unknown
José Fernández 1992 2016 24 Baseball pitcher Cocaine and alcohol Accidental Fernández was under the influence when he died in a boating accident
Lolo Ferrari 1963 2000 37 Pornographic actress Unspecified Suicide (suspected) Officially ruled as "most likely suicide", though previously speculated as murder
Paul Ferris 1941 1995 54 Film composer Unspecified Unknown
Vincent Flemmi 1935 1979 43–44 Gangster Unspecified Unknown
Antonio Flores 1961 1995 33 Singer, actor Unspecified Unknown
Bernard Floud 1915 1967 52 Politician Sleeping pills Unknown Suspected overdose
Althea Flynt 1953 1987 33 Co-publisher of Hustler Heroin Undetermined Drowned after overdosing; whether her death was intentional or not was unclear
Steve Foley 1959 2008 49 Musician Unspecified Accidental Suspected overdose
Seán Fortune 1954 1999 44–45 Priest Unspecified drugs and alcohol Suicide
Sidney Fox 1911 1942 30 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide (suspected)
Henry Stephen Fox 1791 1846 55 Diplomat Unspecified Unknown
J. Herbert Frank 1885 1926 40 Actor Chloroform Suicide Frank used a combination of chloroform and natural gas.
Rosemarie Frankland 1943 2000 57 Actress Unspecified prescription drugs Suicide
Katy French 1983 2007 24 Model, socialite Cocaine and ephedrine Accidental Official cause of death was hypoxic ischemic brain injury caused by cocaine and ephedrine
Gary Frisch 1969 2007 38 Website founder Ketamine Misadventure Frisch jumped from a balcony while intoxicated
Danny Gans 1956 2009 52 Impressionist, entertainer Hydromorphone Accidental Gans was killed by a combination of the prescription drug and a pre-existing heart condition
Paul Gardiner 1958 1984 25 Musician Heroin Unknown
Judy Garland 1922 1969 47 Singer, actress Secobarbital Accidental Officially accidental though speculated suicide
Paul Gauguin 1848 1903 54 Painter Morphine Unknown
Gidget Gein 1969 2008 39 Musician Unspecified Unknown Suspected overdose
Peaches Geldof 1989 2014 25 Actress Heroin Unknown
Martha Gellhorn 1908 1998 89 Writer Cyanide poisoning Suicide
Lowell George 1945 1979 34 Musician Unspecified Accidental
Talitha Getty 1940 1971 30 Actress Heroin Unknown
Harold Gimblett 1914 1978 63 Cricketer Unspecified Unknown
Michèle Girardon 1938 1975 36 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide
Billy Glide 1970 2014 43 Pornographic actor Unspecified Unknown
Trevor Goddard 1962 2003 40 Actor Multiple Accidental Heroin, cocaine, diazepam and hydrocodone/paracetamol
Denis Goodwin 1929 1975 45 Writer Sleeping pills and alcohol Unknown
Greg Giraldo 1965 2010 44 Comedian Unspecified prescription drugs Accidental
Dwayne Goettel 1964 1995 31 Musician Heroin Unknown
Adam Goldstein 1973 2009 36 Disc jockey Multiple Accidental Cocaine, levamisole, oxycodone, hydrocodone, lorazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam and diphenhydramine
Paul Gray 1972 2010 38 Musician Fentanyl and morphine Accidental
Lucy Grealy 1963 2002 39 Poet Heroin Unknown
William Lindsay Gresham 1909 1962 53 Author Sleeping pills Suicide
Gribouille 1941 1968 26 Singer Unspecified medication and alcohol Unknown
Eddie Griffin 1982 2007 25 Basketball player Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Emmett Grogan 1942 1978 35 Activist Heroin Unknown
Gustaf Gründgens 1899 1963 63 Actor Sleeping pills Suicide (suspected)
Clinton Haines 1976 1997 21 Computer hacker Heroin Accidental
Kenneth Halliwell 1926 1967 41 Actor Pentobarbital Suicide
Ollie Halsall 1949 1992 43 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Lois Hamilton 1952 1999 47 Model, actress Unspecified Unknown
Marthe Hanau 1890 1935 44–45 Fraudster Sleeping pills Unknown
Tony Hancock 1924 1968 44 Actor Amphetamines and alcohol Suicide
Edward A. Hannegan 1807 1857 51 Senator Morphine Unknown
Tommy Hanson 1986 2015 29 Baseball pitcher Cocaine and alcohol Accidental
Malcolm Hardee 1950 2005 55 Comedian Alcohol Accidental Drowned after he fell into the water while intoxicated
James Harden-Hickey 1854 1898 43 Author, adventurer Morphine Suicide
Tim Hardin 1941 1980 39 Musician Heroin Unknown
Eric Harroun 1982 2014 31 Free Syrian Army fighter Heroin and sertraline Accidental
Domino Harvey 1969 2005 35 Bounty hunter Fentanyl Unknown
Rodney Harvey 1967 1998 30 Actor, model Heroin Unknown
Walter Hasenclever 1890 1940 49 Poet, playwright Barbital Suicide
Imogen Hassall 1942 1980 38 Actress Tuinal Unknown
Bobby Hatfield 1940 2003 63 Musician Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
James Hatfield 1958 2001 43 Author Unspecified prescription pills Suicide
Felix Hausdorff 1868 1942 73 Mathematician Barbital Suicide
Phyllis Haver 1899 1960 61 Actress Barbiturates Suicide (suspected)
Taylor Hawkins 1972 2022 50 Musician Multiple
James Hayden 1953 1983 29 Actor Heroin Unknown Suspected overdose
Ira Hayes 1923 1955 32 United States Marine Alcohol Accidental Hayes was killed by a combination of exposure and intoxication
Rory Hayes 1949 1983 34 Cartoonist Multiple Unknown Died from polypharmacy of unspecified drugs
Paul Hayward 1954 1992 37–38 Rugby league player Heroin Unknown
Mitch Hedberg 1968 2005 37 Comedian Cocaine and heroin Unknown
Thomas Heggen 1918 1949 30 Writer Barbiturates Suicide (suspected)
Tim Hemensley 1972 2003 30–31 Musician Heroin Unknown
Margaux Hemingway 1954 1996 42 Actress Phenobarbital Suicide
Jimi Hendrix 1942 1970 27 Musician Barbiturates Accidental Hendrix aspirated his own vomit and died of asphyxia while intoxicated
Curt Hennig 1958 2003 44 Wrestler Cocaine Unknown
Gregory Herbert 1947 1978 30 Musician Heroin Suicide
James Leo Herlihy 1927 1993 66 Novelist, actor Sleeping pills Suicide
Gino Hernandez 1957 1986 28 Wrestler Unspecified Unknown
George Hickenlooper 1963 2010 47 Documentary filmmaker Oxymorphone and alcohol Accidental
Ureli Corelli Hill 1802 1875 72–73 Conductor Morphine Suicide
Virginia Hill 1916 1966 49 Courier Sleeping pills Unknown
Ashihei Hino 1907 1960 49 Soldier, author Sleeping pills Suicide
Bob Hite 1943 1981 38 Singer Heroin Unknown
Roger Hobbs 1988 2016 28 Writer Unspecified Unknown
Jane Aiken Hodge 1917 2009 91 Writer Unspecified Suicide
Abbie Hoffman 1936 1989 52 Activist Phenobarbital Suicide
Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967 2014 46 Actor Multiple Accidental Heroin, cocaine, benzodiazepines and amphetamines
William Holden 1918 1981 63 Actor Alcohol Accidental Holden fell and bled to death while intoxicated
Michael Holliday 1924 1963 38 Singer Unspecified Suicide
Crash Holly 1971 2003 32 Wrestler Carisoprodol Suicide Suspected overdose
Hollywood Fats 1954 1986 32 Musician Heroin Unknown
Gary Holton 1952 1985 33 Actor, musician Heroin Unknown
James Honeyman-Scott 1956 1982 25 Musician Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
Shannon Hoon 1967 1995 28 Musician Cocaine Unknown
Russell Hopton 1900 1945 45 Actor Sleeping pills Unknown Suspected overdose
Paul Horner 1978 2017 39 Comedian Multiple Accidental Clonazepam, despropionyl fentanyl, diazepam, ethanol and furanyl fentanyl
Sebastian Horsley 1962 2010 47 Artist Cocaine and heroin Unknown
Tim Horton 1930 1974 44 Ice hockey player Dexamyl and alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Whitney Houston 1963 2012 48 Singer, actress Cocaine Accidental Houston drowned, with heart disease and cocaine listed as contributing factors
Tim Hovey 1945 1989 44 Child actor Unspecified Unknown
Andrée Howard 1910 1968 57 Ballet dancer Unspecified Unknown Suspected overdose
Dick Howard 1935 1967 32 Athlete Heroin Unknown
Lisa Howard 1930 1965 35 Reporter Phenobarbital Suicide Officially suicide though speculated as murder
Howard Hughes 1905 1976 70 Aviator, businessman Codeine Unknown Hughes died of liver failure after his physician administered an overdose of codeine
Mark R. Hughes 1956 2000 44 Businessman Doxepin and alcohol Accidental
Gertrude Hullett 1906 1956 49–50 Wife Sodium barbital Suicide Officially ruled as suicide by an inquest which received criticism; John Bodkin Adams was charged with her murder, though never tried for it
Harold Hunter 1974 2006 31 Skateboarder, actor Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
Leona Hutton 1892 1949 56 Actress Codeine Unknown
Phyllis Hyman 1949 1995 45 Singer Pentobarbital and secobarbital Suicide
Fanny Imlay 1794 1816 22 Wife Laudanum Suicide
Andy Irons 1978 2010 32 Surfer Multiple Unknown Died from cardiac arrest, with secondary cause of death as acute mixed drug ingestion of cocaine, methamphetamines, alprazolam and methadone
Bruce Edwards Ivins 1946 2008 62 Microbiologist Paracetamol Suicide
Barnaby Jack 1977 2013 35 Hacker, security expert Multiple Unknown Cocaine, heroin and other unspecified drugs
Charles R. Jackson 1903 1968 65 Author Barbiturates Suicide
Jennifer Lyn Jackson 1969 2010 40 Playboy Playmate Heroin Unknown Suspected overdose
Michael Jackson 1958 2009 50 Singer Lorazepam and propofol Involuntary manslaughter Jackson was killed by an accidental overdose administered by his physician
Peter Jackson 1964 1997 33 Rugby league player Heroin Unknown
Steve Jagielka 1978 2021 43 Football player Methadone Unknown "Moderate" levels of cocaine were also present
Joyce Jameson 1932 1987 54 Actress Unspecified Suicide
Jimi Jamison 1951 2014 63 Musician Methamphetamine Unknown "Acute methamphetamine intoxication" was a contributing factor
Tom Jans 1948 1984 36 Singer Unspecified Unknown Suspected overdose
Jóhann Jóhannsson 1969 2018 48 Artist Cocaine and cold medicine Unknown The "likely cause of death" was found to be a combination of the two drugs
Dean Johnson 1961 2007 46 Entertainer Oxycodone Unknown
Randy Johnston 1988 2008 20 Model Unspecified Accidental
Ragnhild Jølsen 1875 1908 32 Author Morphine Suicide
Anissa Jones 1958 1976 18 Actress Methaqualone and alcohol Accidental
Chloe Jones 1975 2005 29 Pornographic actress Unspecified prescription drugs Accidental
Rob Jones 1975 2005 29 Musician Heart attack Suspected to have been caused by a heroin overdose
Janis Joplin 1943 1970 27 Musician Heroin Accidental
Juice WRLD 1998 2019 21 Rapper Oxycodone and codeine Accidental Official cause of death was seizures induced by acute oxycodone and codeine intoxication
Kazuo Kageyama 1927 1965 38 Baseball player Sleeping pills Unknown
Frida Kahlo 1907 1954 47 Artist Opiates Suicide (suspected) Official cause of death was pulmonary embolism, though no autopsy was performed; modern biographers believe that she committed suicide with opiates
John Kahn 1947 1996 48 Musician Heroin Unknown
Chris Kanyon 1970 2010 40 Wrestler Unspecified pills Suicide
Lisa Robin Kelly 1970 2013 43 Actress Multiple Accidental Combined drug intoxication of unspecified drugs
David A. Kennedy 1955 1984 28 Son of Robert F. Kennedy Multiple Unknown Cocaine, pethidine and thioridazine
Beverly Kenney 1932 1960 28 Singer Secobarbital and alcohol Suicide
Bernard Kettlewell 1907 1979 72 Lepidopterist, medical doctor Unspecified Accidental
David Kelly 1944 2003 59 Weapons expert Dextropropoxyphene Suicide Evidence indicated Kelly consumed 29 dextropropoxyphene pills
Dorothy Kilgallen 1913 1965 52 Journalist Barbiturates and ethannol Unknown
Margot Kidder 1948 2018 69 Actress Unspecified painkillers and alcohol Suicide
Rodney King 1965 2012 47 Taxi driver Multiple Accidental Drowned due to the combined effects of a heart condition, alongside alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and phencyclidine intoxication
Thomas Kinkade 1958 2012 54 Painter Diazepam and ethanol Unknown
Ben Klassen 1918 1993 75 White supremacist Sleeping pills Suicide
Fletcher Knebel 1911 1993 81 Author Sleeping pills Suicide
Arthur Koestler 1905 1983 77 Author Tuinal and alcohol Suicide
Hannelore Kohl 1933 2001 68 Wife Unspecified painkillers and sleeping pills Suicide
John Kordic 1965 1992 27 Hockey player Unspecified Unknown
Joey Kovar 1983 2012 29 Reality TV star Opiates Unknown
Seymour Krim 1922 1989 67 Writer Unspecified Unknown
Deborah Laake 1953 2000 46–47 Writer Unspecified pills Suicide
Alan Ladd 1913 1964 50 Actor Unspecified drugs and alcohol Accidental
Karen Lancaume 1973 2005 32 Pornographic actress Temazepam Suicide
Carole Landis 1919 1948 29 Actress Secobarbital Suicide
Jani Lane 1964 2011 47 Singer Alcohol Unknown
Guttman Landau 1877c. 1877 1942 63–65 Community leader Morphine Unknown
Heath Ledger 1979 2008 28 Actor Multiple Accidental Oxycodone, hydrocodone, alprazolam, diazepam, temazepam and doxylamine
David Lerner 1951 1997 45 Poet Unspecified Unknown
Gerald Levert 1966 2006 40 Singer Multiple Accidental Oxycodone/paracetamol, hydrocodone/paracetamol, dextropropoxyphene, alprazolam and two antihistamines
Ronald Lewis 1928 1982 53 Actor Sleeping pills Unknown
Rudy Lewis 1936 1964 27 Singer Unspecified Disputed Some sources state he died from an unspecified drug overdose while others state he choked
Frank Xavier Leyendecker 1877 1924 48 Illustrator Unspecified Suicide Suspected only
Lil Peep 1996 2017 21 Musician Fentanyl and Xanax Accidental Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Oxycodone and Oxymorphone
Debbie Linden 1961 1997 36 Model, actress Heroin Unknown
Max Linder 1883 1925 41 Actor Barbital and morphine Suicide Linder and his wife both took the drugs then cut open veins in their arms
Ruan Lingyu 1910 1935 24 Actress Sleeping pills Disputed suicide
Gene Lipscomb 1931 1963 31 American football player Heroin Unknown
Athina Livanos 1929 1974 45 Socialite Barbiturates Undetermined
Eugenia Livanos 1927 1970 42–43 Wife Barbiturates Unknown
Kevin Lloyd 1949 1998 49 Actor Alcohol Accidental Lloyd was heavily intoxicated when he choked on his own vomit
David Lochary 1944 1977 32 Actor Phencyclidine Unknown Lochary bled to death while intoxicated
Philip Loeb 1891 1955 64 Actor Sleeping pills Suicide Suspected overdose
Malcolm Lowry 1909 1957 47 Poet, novelist Barbiturates and alcohol Suicide (suspected)
Zoe Lund 1962 1999 37 Model, actress Unspecified Unknown
Donyale Luna 1945 1979 33 Model, actress Heroin Accidental
Frankie Lymon 1942 1968 25 Singer Heroin Unknown
Phil Lynott 1949 1986 36 Musician Disputed Unknown Conflicting sources report various causes of death, including heart and liver failure, heart failure and pneumonia after a drug overdose, and blood poisoning from heroin addiction
Billy Mackenzie 1957 1997 39 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Jim Magnuson 1946 1991 44 Baseball pitcher Alcohol Unknown
Jesse Mahelona 1983 2009 26 American football player Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Chris Mainwaring 1965 2007 41 Australian football player Cocaine Accidental
Bibek Maitra 1965 2006 40 Politician Unspecified Unknown
Thomas Manby 1769 1834 65 British naval officer Opium Unknown
Klaus Mann 1906 1949 42 Writer Sleeping pills Unknown
Sherri Martel 1958 2007 49 Wrestler Oxycodone Accidental Other unspecified drugs were involved
J. Sella Martin 1832 1876 43 Abolitionist Laudanum Suicide
Virginia Maskell 1936 1968 31 Actress Barbiturates Unknown
Thalia Massie 1911 1963 52 Wife Barbiturates Unknown
Lisa Matsumoto 1964 2007 43 Author Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
John Matuszak 1950 1989 38 American football player Dextropropoxyphene Accidental
Billy Mays 1958 2009 50 Salesperson Cocaine Heart disease Cocaine use was listed as a contributory cause of death
David McComb 1962 1999 36 Musician Heroin Unknown
Kid McCoy 1872 1940 67 Boxer Sleeping pills Suicide
Jimmy McCulloch 1953 1979 26 Musician Heroin Unknown
Marie McDonald 1923 1965 42 Actress Unspecified multiple drugs Unknown
Jim McElroy 1862 1889 26 Baseball player Morphine Suicide
Robbie McIntosh 1950 1974 24 Musician Heroin Unknown
Stephen McKeag 1970 2000 30 Ulster Defence Association member Cocaine and unspecified painkillers Unknown
Maggie McNamara 1928 1978 49 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide
Lance McNaught 1981 2010 29 Wrestler Unspecified Accidental Intoxication from mixed drugs complicated a cardiomyopathy
Aimee Semple McPherson 1890 1944 53 Evangelist Sleeping pills Unknown
Jonathan Melvoin 1961 1996 34 Keyboardist Heroin Unknown
Mayo Methot 1904 1951 47 Actress Alcohol Unknown
Alfred Métraux 1902 1963 60 Anthropologist Unspecified Suicide
Robin Milford 1903 1959 56 Composer Aspirin Suicide
Mac Miller 1992 2018 26 Rapper Fentanyl, cocaine, and ethanol Accidental
Mary Millington 1945 1979 33 Model, pornographic actress Paracetamol Suicide
Miss Elizabeth 1960 2003 42 Wrestling manager Multiple Unknown Painkillers, nausea medication, tranquilizers and alcohol
Marilyn Monroe 1926 1962 36 Actress Barbiturates Suicide (suspected) Officially ruled as a probable suicide though several conspiracy theories exist
Haoui Montaug 1952 1991 38–39 Bouncer Secobarbital Suicide
Cory Monteith 1982 2013 31 Actor, musician Heroin and alcohol Accidental (suspected)
Alain Montpetit 1950 1987 36 Media personality Unspecified Unknown
Teresa Wilms Montt 1893 1921 28 Writer Barbital Suicide
Keith Moon 1946 1978 32 Musician Anti-seizure medication Accidental The medication had been prescribed for alcoholism
Ashleigh Aston Moore 1981 2007 26 Actress Unspecified Unknown Suspected overdose
Perry Moore 1971 2011 39 Director Multiple Accidental Methadone, morphine and benzodiazaprine
Dennis Moran 1982 2013 30 Security hacker Heroin Unknown
Erick Morillo 1971 2020 49 Disk jockey Ketamine Accidental Cause of death was "acute ketamine toxicity" with MDMA and cocaine listed as contributing causes
Chester Morris 1901 1970 69 Actor Barbiturates Unknown
Jim Morrison 1943 1971 27 Musician Heroin Heart failure Official cause of death was heart failure, though no autopsy was performed; strongly suspected to have been a heroin overdose
Chuck Mosley 1959 2017 57 Musician Heroin Unknown Suspected
David James Mossman 1926 1971 44 Journalist Sleeping pills Suicide
Billy Murcia 1951 1972 21 Musician Methaqualone and alcohol Unknown
Ona Munson 1903 1955 51 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide
Brittany Murphy 1977 2009 32 Actress Unspecified Multiple Cause of death was a combination of pneumonia, an iron deficiency and combined drug intoxication of legal drugs for influenza treatment
Brent Mydland 1952 1990 37 Musician Cocaine and morphine Unknown
Valerie Grosvenor Myer 1935 2007 72 Writer Sleeping pills Suicide
Yves Navarre 1940 1994 53 Writer Barbiturates Suicide
Scott Newman 1950 1978 28 Actor Multiple Accidental Diazepam, alcohol and other unspecified drugs
Tina Onassis Niarchos 1929 1974 45 Wife Unspecified Unknown
Ruth Rowland Nichols 1901 1960 59 Aviator Barbiturates Suicide
Joachim Nielsen 1964 2000 36 Musician, poet Unspecified Unknown
Filip Nikolic 1974 2009 35 Singer Sleeping pills Undetermined
Cranford Nix 1969 2002 33 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Mary Nolan 1902 1948 45 Actress Secobarbital Unknown
Bradley Nowell 1968 1996 28 Musician Heroin Unknown
John Odom 1982 2008 26 Baseball player Multiple Accidental Heroin, methamphetamines, benzylpiperazine and alcohol
Lani O'Grady 1954 2001 46 Actress Fluoxetine and hydrocodone/paracetamol Unknown
Johnny O'Keefe 1935 1978 43 Singer Unspecified Suicide
Pascale Ogier 1958 1984 25 Actress Unspecified Unknown
Ol' Dirty Bastard 1968 2004 35 Musician Cocaine and tramadol Accidental
Charlie Ondras 1966 1992 25 Musician Heroin Unknown
Dolores O'Riordan 1971 2018 46 Singer Alcohol Accidental Drowned as a result of alcohol intoxication
Alice Ormsby-Gore 1952 1995 42 Socialite Heroin Misadventure
Matt Osborne 1957 2013 55 Wrestler Hydrocodone and morphine Accidental
Liam O'Sullivan 1981 2002 20 Football player Unspecified Unknown
Leila Pahlavi 1970 2001 31 Princess, model Secobarbital Unknown
Helen Palmer 1898 1967 69 Writer Barbiturates Suicide
Marco Pantani 1970 2004 34 Cyclist Cocaine Accidental
Fran Papasedero 1969 2003 34 American football coach Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Gram Parsons 1946 1973 26 Singer Morphine and alcohol Unknown
Robert Pastorelli 1954 2004 49 Actor Heroin Unknown
Jenny Pat 1981 2014 33 Art dealer Unspecified prescription drugs Unknown
Cesare Pavese 1908 1950 41 Poet, novelist Barbiturates Suicide
Andrea Pazienza 1956 1988 32 Comics artist Heroin Unknown
Harvey Pekar 1939 2010 70 Comic writer Bupropion and fluoxetine Accidental
Carl Perkins 1928 1958 29 Pianist Heroin Unknown Suspected overdose
Amanda Peterson 1971 2015 43 Actress Morphine Accidental
Christopher Pettiet 1976 2000 24 Actor Unspecified Accidental
Tom Petty 1950 2017 66 Musician, actor Multiple Accidental Fentanyl, oxycodone, temazepam, alprazolam, citalopram, acetyl fentanyl, and despropionyl fentanyl
William Petzäll 1988 2012 24 Politician Benzodiazepine and pregabalin Unknown
Kristen Pfaff 1967 1994 27 Musician Heroin Unknown
River Phoenix 1970 1993 23 Actor Cocaine and heroin Accidental
Rob Pilatus 1965 1998 32 Musician Unspecified prescription drugs and alcohol Unknown
Pimp C 1973 2007 33 Musician Codeine and promethazine Unknown
Alejandra Pizarnik 1936 1972 36 Poet Unspecified sedatives Unknown
Dana Plato 1964 1999 34 Actress Carisoprodol and hydrocodone/paracetamol Suicide
Silvo Plut 1968 2007 38 Serial killer Sleeping pills Suicide
Edgar Allan Poe 1809 1849 40 Poet Laudanum Multiple Poe was killed by a combination of the laudanum alongside dipsomania and delerium tremens
Jackson Pollock 1912 1956 44 Painter Alcohol Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated
Darrell Porter 1952 2002 50 Baseball catcher Cocaine Unknown
Marin Preda 1922 1980 57 Writer Alcohol Unknown
Elvis Presley 1935 1977 42 Singer Multiple Disputed Fourteen drugs were involved; it is accepted they played a factor in his death, though to what degree is debated
Marie Prevost 1896 1937 38 Actress Alcohol Unknown
Dickie Pride 1941 1969 27 Singer Sleeping pills Unknown
Gary Primich 1958 2007 49 Singer Heroin Unknown
Prince 1958 2016 57 Musician Fentanyl Accidental
Fritz Pröll 1915 1944 29 Resistance fighter Cyanide poisoning Suicide
Geoffrey Pyke 1893 1948 54 Journalist Phenobarbital Suicide
Robert Quine 1942 2004 61 Musician Heroin Suicide
Glenn Quinn 1970 2002 32 Actor Unspecified Accidental
Dee Dee Ramone 1951 2002 50 Musician Heroin Unknown
Nicola Ann Raphael 1985 2001 15 Student Dextropropoxyphene Suicide
DJ Rashad 1979 2014 34 Disc jockey Multiple Accidental Heroin, cocaine, and alprazolam
James Ray 1941 1963c. 1963 21–23 Singer Unspecified Unknown
Amber Rayne 1984 2016 31 Pornographic actress Cocaine Accidental
Richard Realf 1832 1878 46 Poet Morphine Unknown
Jay Reatard 1980 2010 29 Musician Cocaine and alcohol Unknown
Michael Reeves 1943 1969 25 Film director Barbiturates and alcohol Unknown
Wallace Reid 1891 1923 31 Actor Morphine Unknown The morphine was prescribed
Elis Regina 1945 1982 36 Singer Multiple Accidental Cocaine, alcohol, and temazepam
The Rev 1981 2009 28 Musician Multiple Unknown Oxycodone, oxymorphone, diazepam, nordiazepam and ethanol
Willy Rey 1949 1973 23 Model Barbiturates Unknown
Helen Richey 1909 1947 37–38 Aviator Sleeping pills Suicide
Brad Renfro 1982 2008 25 Actor Heroin and morphine Accidental
Lucha Reyes 1906 1944 38 Singer Sleeping pills Suicide
Frank Ringo 1860 1889 28 Baseball player Morphine Suicide
Chynna Rogers 1994 2020 25 Model, musician Unspecified Unknown
Rachel Roberts 1927 1980 53 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Don Rogers 1962 1986 23 American football player Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
Steve Rogers 1954 2006 51 Rugby league player Antidepressants and alcohol Accidental
Giles Romilly 1916 1967 50 Journalist Unspecified Unknown
Monica Rose 1948 1994 45 TV show hostess Antidepressants and tranquilizers Suicide
Edgar Rosenberg 1925 1987 62 Film producer Diazepam Suicide
Clinton Rossiter 1917 1970 52 Historian Barbiturates Suicide
Mark Rothko 1903 1970 66 Painter Barbiturates Suicide Rothko also slit his wrists
Axl Rotten 1971 2016 44 Wrestler Heroin Unknown
Dave Rubinstein 1964 1993 28 Singer Unspecified Suicide
Rick Rude 1958 1999 40 Wrestler Unspecified painkillers Unknown
David Ruffin 1941 1991 50 Musician Cocaine Unknown
Gerry Ryan 1956 2010 53 Radio personality Cocaine Heart attack Heart attack was suspected to be triggered by cocaine
Johanna Sällström 1974 2007 32 Actress Unspecified Suicide
Ananda Samarakoon 1911 1962 51 Composer, musician Sleeping pills Unknown
George Sanders 1906 1972 65 Actor Pentobarbital Suicide
Tyler Sash 1988 2015 27 American football player Hydrocodone and methadone Accidental
John Baker Saunders 1954 1999 44 Musician Heroin Unknown
Catya Sassoon 1968 2002 33 Model, actress Cocaine and hydromorphone Unknown
Sonja Savić 1961 2008 47 Actress Unspecified Unknown
Sybille Schmitz 1909 1955 45 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide
Donald Sinclair 1911 1995 84 Veterinary surgeon Barbiturates Suicide
Gia Scala 1934 1972 38 Actress, model Unspecified drugs and alcohol Accidental
Frederick Schwatka 1849 1892 43 Army officer Opiates Suicide Conflicting sources report morphine or laudanum as causing the overdose
Bon Scott 1946 1980 33 Musician Alcohol Unknown
Ronnie Scott 1927 1996 69 Musician Barbiturates Accidental The barbiturates were prescribed
George Scott III 1953 1980 26 Bass player Unspecified Unknown
Pat Screen 1943 1994 51 American football player Unspecified Unknown
Dave Schulthise 1956 2004 47 Musician Unspecified pills Suicide
Rod Scurry 1956 1992 36 Baseball pitcher Cocaine Unknown Drug-induced heart attack
William Seabrook 1884 1945 61 Writer Sleeping pills Suicide
Jean Seberg 1938 1979 40 Actress Barbiturates and alcohol Suicide
Edie Sedgwick 1943 1971 28 Actress Barbiturates and alcohol Undetermined Her death certificate states the immediate cause of death was "probable acute barbiturate intoxication" due to ethanol intoxication
Eddy Shaver 1962 2000 38 Musician Heroin Accidental
Mark Shaw 1921 1969 47 Photographer Amphetamines Unknown
Bobby Sheehan 1968 1999 31 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Toby Sheldon 1980 2015 35 Songwriter Multiple Accidental Hydrocodone/paracetamol, alprazolam, alcohol and temazepam
Shock G 1963 2021 57 Rapper Fentanyl, ethanol and methamphetamine Accidental
Eric Show 1956 1994 37 Baseball player Cocaine and heroin Unknown
Elizabeth Siddal 1829 1862 32 Model, poet Laudanum Unknown
Judee Sill 1944 1979 35 Musician Cocaine and heroin Unknown
Don Simpson 1943 1996 52 Film producer Cocaine and unspecified prescription drugs Unknown Drug-induced heart failure
The Singing Nun 1933 1985 51 Nun Barbiturates and alcohol Suicide
Vera Sisson 1891 1954 63 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Tyler Skaggs 1991 2019 27 Baseball pitcher Multiple Accidental Choked on his own vomit while under the influence of alcohol, fentanyl and oxycodone
Everett Sloane 1909 1965 55 Actor Barbiturates Suicide
Hillel Slovak 1962 1988 26 Musician Heroin Unknown
Alvin Smith 1798 1823 25 Carpenter's assistant Mercury poisoning Accidental (Disputed) Officially administered to cure bilious colic, though speculated as murder
Anna Nicole Smith 1967 2007 39 Model Multiple Accidental Unspecified anti-depressants, diazepam, chloral hydrate, oseltamivir, methadone, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medication and human growth hormone
Christine Smith 1946 1979 32 Skier Multiple Suicide Chloralhydrate, paracetamol and salicylic acid
Daniel Wayne Smith 1986 2006 20 Student Multiple Accidental Cardiac dysrhythmia caused by methadone, escitalopram and sertraline
Lauren Smith-Fields 1998 2021 23 Student Fentanyl and alcohol Unknown
Dash Snow 1981 2009 27 Artist Heroin Unknown
Robert Soblen 1900 1962 61 Psychiatrist Barbiturates Unknown
Freddy Soto 1970 2005 35 Comedian Fentanyl Accidental
Erin Spanevello 1987 2008 21 Model Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid and MDMA Unknown
Louie Spicolli 1971 1998 27 Wrestler Unspecified Unknown Conflicting sources state drug overdose or coronary disease that might have been impacted by drug use
Oscar Spirescu 1874 1918 43–44 Composer Chloroform Suicide
Layne Staley 1967 2002 34 Musician Multiple Unknown Cocaine, heroin and codeine
Mike Starr 1966 2011 44 Musician Unspecified prescription drugs Unknown
Wayne Static 1965 2014 48 Musician Multiple Accidental Ooxycodone, hydromorphone, alprazolam and with alcohol
Jahna Steele 1958 2008 49 Showgirl Multiple Unknown Cocaine, hydromorphone and morphine
Joey Stefano 1968 1994 26 Pornographic actor Multiple Unknown Cocaine, morphine, heroin and ketamine
Miroslava Stern 1926 1955 29 Actress Sleeping pills Suicide
Avram Steuerman-Rodion 1872 1918 45 Poet, physician Morphine Suicide
Carl Steven 1974 2011 36 Actor Heroin Unknown
Inger Stevens 1934 1970 35 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Cathy Stewart 1956 1994 38 Pornographic actress Unspecified Unknown
Albert Stinson 1944 1969 24 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Rory Storm 1939 1972 34 Musician Sleeping pills and alcohol Unknown
Rose Stradner 1913 1958 45 Actress Unspecified Suicide
Margaret Sullavan 1909 1960 50 Actress Barbiturates Suicide
Paige Summers 1976 2003 27 Pornographic actress Unspecified Unknown
R. G. Surdam 1835 1891 56 Real-estate agent Laudanum Accidental
Marek Svatoš 1982 2016 34 Ice hockey player Multiple Unknown Codeine, morphine and alprazolam
Jennifer Syme 1972 2001 28 Actress Multiple Accidental Motor-vehicle collision while intoxicated by cocaine, clonazepam and cyclobenzaprine
Joan Tabor 1932 1968 36 Actress Unspecified influenza medication Accidental
Hidemitsu Tanaka 1913 1949 36 Writer Sleeping pills Suicide
Warren Tartaglia 1944 1965 22 Musician Heroin Unknown
Chase Tatum 1973 2008 34 Wrestler Unspecified Unknown Suspected overdose; Tatum was addicted to painkillers for years
Mackenzie Taylor 1978 2010 32 Comedian Unspecified Suicide
Vincent Taylor 1949 1974 24–25 Musician Heroin Unknown
Sara Teasdale 1884 1933 48 Poet Sleeping pills Suicide
Test 1975 2009 33 Wrestler Oxycodone Accidental
Gary Thain 1948 1975 27 Musician Heroin Unknown
John Thompson 1938 1976 38 Poet Barbiturates and alcohol Unknown
Linda Thompson 1953 2009 56 Conspiracy theorist Unspecified painkillers Suicide The painkillers were prescribed
Jotie T'Hooft 1956 1977 21 Poet Unspecified Unknown
Johnny Thunders 1952 1991 38 Musician Disputed Unknown Autopsy results were inconclusive, though it is generally believed to be drug-related, and has been attributed to methadone and cocaine overdose
James Timberlake 1846 1891 44 Lawman Morphine Unknown
Sammee Tong 1901 1964 63 Actor Barbiturates Suicide Suspected overdose
Georg Trakl 1887 1914 27 Poet Cocaine Suicide
William Trimmer 1822c. 1822 1867 54–56 Vigneron Laudanum Suicide
Kurt Tucholsky 1890 1935 45 Journalist Barbital Unknown
Mark Tuinei 1960 1999 39 American football player Heroin and MDMA Unknown
Nick Traina 1978 1997 19 Singer Morphine Suicide
Norman Treigle 1927 1975 48 Singer Sleeping pills Accidental
Verne Troyer 1969 2018 48 Actor Alcohol Suicide
Amy Tryon 1970 2012 42 Equestrian Oxycodone and other opiates Accidental
Alan Turing 1912 1954 41 Computer scientist Cyanide poisoning Disputed suicide
D. M. Turner 1962 1996 34 Author Ketamine Unknown Drowned while intoxicated
Lynn Turner 1968 2010 42 Murderer Propranolol Suicide
Ike Turner 1931 2007 76 Musician, producer Cocaine Unknown Hypertensive cardiovascular disease and emphysema were contributing factors
Dick Twardzik 1931 1955 24 Pianist Heroin Unknown
Helen Twelvetrees 1908 1958 49 Actress Unspecified Suicide
John Tyndall 1820 1893 73 Physicist Chloral hydrate Accidental
Dorothy Uhnak 1930 2006 76 Author Unspecified Suicide
Umaga 1973 2009 36 Wrestler Unspecified Unknown
Mary Ure 1933 1975 42 Actress Barbiturates and alcohol Accidental
Enrique Urquijo 1960 1999 39 Singer Unspecified Unknown
Luna Vachon 1962 2010 48 Wrestler Benzodiazepine and oxycodone Accidental
Paul Vaessen 1961 2001 39 Football player Unspecified Unknown
Brandon Vedas 1981 2003 21 Computer expert Multiple Unknown Alcohol, cannabis, psilocybin mushroom, clonazepam, temazepam, methadone, hydrocodone and propanolol
Lupe Vélez 1908 1944 36 Actress Secobarbital Suicide
Michael VerMeulen 1956 1995 38 Magazine editor Cocaine Unknown
Jon Vincent 1962 2000 38 Pornographic actor Heroin Unknown
Sid Vicious 1957 1979 21 Musician Heroin Suicide (suspected)
Mike Von Erich 1964 1987 23 Wrestler Tranquilizer Suicide
Marie Walcamp 1894 1936 42 Actress Unspecified painkillers Suicide
Robert Walker 1918 1951 32 Actor Unspecified sedatives Accidental
Jeremy Ward 1976 2003 27 Sound technician Unspecified Unknown
Stephen Ward 1912 1963 50 Osteopathic physician Sleeping pills Suicide Death was officially ruled a suicide but it has been speculated as murder
Dinah Washington 1924 1963 39 Singer Secobarbital and amobarbital Unknown
Kazuki Watanabe 1981 2000 19 Musician Unspecified sedatives Suicide
Peter Watts 1946 1976 30 Road manager Heroin Unknown
Dave Waymer 1958 1993 34 American football player Cocaine Accidental Drug-induced heart attack
Mikey Welsh 1971 2011 40 Musician Unspecified Unknown
Scott Weiland 1967 2015 48 Musician Multiple Accidental Cocaine, ethanol and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine
Jaromír Weinberger 1896 1967 71 Composer Unspecified sedatives Unknown
Assia Wevill 1927 1969 41 Poet Sleeping pills Suicide Wevill took the pills then exposed herself to carbon monoxide
Rachel Whitear 1979 2000 21 Student Heroin Accidental
Brett Whiteley 1939 1992 53 Artist Heroin Unknown
Keith Whitley 1955 1989 33 Singer Alcohol Unknown
Danny Whitten 1943 1972 29 Musician Diazepam and alcohol Unknown
David Widgery 1947 1992 45 Writer Multiple Unknown Alcohol, barbiturates and pethidine
Ellen Wilkinson 1891 1947 55 Politician Barbiturates Unknown
Kenneth Williams 1926 1988 62 Actor Barbiturates Unknown
Michael K. Williams 1966 2021 54 Actor Multiple Accidental Fentanyl, p-fluorofentanyl, heroin and cocaine
Ricky Williams 1956 1992 36 Musician Heroin Unknown
Alan Wilson 1943 1970 27 Musician Barbiturates Accidental Death was officially ruled accidental though has been speculated as suicide
Amy Winehouse 1983 2011 27 Singer Alcohol Unknown
Sheree Winton 1935 1976 39 Singer Barbiturates Suicide
Grant Withers 1905 1959 54 Actor Sleeping pills Suicide
Harris Wittels 1984 2015 30 Comedian Heroin Accidental
Carl Wittman 1943 1986 42 Activist Unspecified Suicide
Linda Wong 1951 1987 36 Pornographic actress Unspecified Unknown
Andrew Wood 1966 1990 24 Singer Heroin Unknown
Anna Wood 1980 1995 15 Student MDMA Water intoxication Died from water intoxication secondary to use of MDMA
Natalie Wood 1938 1981 43 Actress Multiple Accidental Drowned while intoxicated by alcohol; there were traces of a motion-sickness pill and a painkiller in her blood, both of which would have increased the effects of alcohol
Corissa Yasen 1973 2001 27 Athlete Multiple Unknown Diazepam, hydrocodone, lorazepam, fluoxetine and other drugs including anti-depressants, painkillers and anxiety medications
Paula Yates 1959 2000 41 TV presenter Heroin Accidental
Kelly Yeomans 1984 1997 13 Student Dextropropoxyphene Suicide
Elvis Yero 1965 2001 36 Boxer Unspecified Unknown
Philip Van Zandt 1904 1958 53 Actor Unspecified Unknown
Zeke Zettner 1948 1973 25 Musician Heroin Unknown
Stefan Zweig 1881 1942 60 Playwright Sleeping pills Suicide

See also



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