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Testosterone propionate/testosterone ketolaurate
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    Testosterone propionate/testosterone ketolaurate

    Подписчиков: 0, рейтинг: 0
    Testosterone propionate /
    testosterone ketolaurate
    Testosterone propionate.svg
    Testosterone ketolaurate.svg
    Combination of
    Testosterone propionate Androgen; Anabolic steroid
    Testosterone ketolaurate Androgen; Anabolic steroid
    Clinical data
    Trade names Testosid-Depot
    Other names TP/TKL
    Routes of
    Intramuscular injection

    Testosterone propionate/testosterone ketolaurate (TP/TKL), sold under the brand name Testosid-Depot, is an injectable combination medication of testosterone propionate (TP), an androgen/anabolic steroid, and testosterone ketolaurate (TKL; testosterone caprinoylacetate), an androgen/anabolic steroid. It contains 25 mg TP and 150 to 300 mg TKL in oil solution and is administered by intramuscular injection at regular intervals. The medication has been reported to have a duration of action of about 14 to 20 days.

    Parenteral durations of androgens/anabolic steroids
    Medication Form Major brand names Duration
    Testosterone Aqueous suspension Andronaq, Sterotate, Virosterone 2–3 days
    Testosterone propionate Oil solution Androteston, Perandren, Testoviron 3–4 days
    Testosterone phenylpropionate Oil solution Testolent 8 days
    Testosterone isobutyrate Aqueous suspension Agovirin Depot, Perandren M 14 days
    Mixed testosterone estersa Oil solution Triolandren 10–20 days
    Mixed testosterone estersb Oil solution Testosid Depot 14–20 days
    Testosterone enanthate Oil solution Delatestryl 14–28 days
    Testosterone cypionate Oil solution Depovirin 14–28 days
    Mixed testosterone estersc Oil solution Sustanon 250 28 days
    Testosterone undecanoate Oil solution Aveed, Nebido 100 days
    Testosterone buciclated Aqueous suspension 20 Aet-1, CDB-1781e 90–120 days
    Nandrolone phenylpropionate Oil solution Durabolin 10 days
    Nandrolone decanoate Oil solution Deca Durabolin 21–28 days
    Methandriol Aqueous suspension Notandron, Protandren 8 days
    Methandriol bisenanthoyl acetate Oil solution Notandron Depot 16 days
    Metenolone acetate Oil solution Primobolan 3 days
    Metenolone enanthate Oil solution Primobolan Depot 14 days
    Note: All are via i.m. injection. Footnotes: a = TP, TV, and TUe. b = TP and TKL. c = TP, TPP, TiCa, and TD. d = Studied but never marketed. e = Developmental code names. Sources: See template.

    See also

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